Rylai Crestfall Apps

Kids Craft Design Ideas 1.1
Rylai Crestfall
Through craft making, children can be able toimprove and develop their fine motor skills and hand-eyecoordination. It helps learn and explore the changes of objects asthey create the crafts on their own. Basically, craft making is agood form of sensory play for children. Apparently, craft ideas forkids are relatively simple and easy. This is for better challengeand understanding appropriate for their age. As you read more ofthis article, you will learn more of some of the easy kids craftideas that you can apply for your kids or even yourself if you area beginner in craft making.Easy kids craft ideas are best done every time there is anoccasion be it special or an official holiday. Easter season is oneof those special holidays where you can get bonding with your kidson the creation of their own kids crafts. This season is consideredto be the best time of the year when kids should get involved withcrafts because the celebration of Easter would always be crafty andfunny to celebrate. One best idea is throwing a craft party in yourhouse and invite some friends along and get involved in makingthose funny and creative kids craft.There are plenty of easy kids craft ideas that you can choosefrom for your kids or the craft party. However, it is important todecorate first the Easter table for the convenience of the kids andthe guests. You may cover the table with some pastel-coloredconstruction papers or some card stocks of clear contact papers. Ifyou have the time, you can also add on some cute placemats on thetable. The placemats can be covered with some drawn Easter eggs orcolorful stickers to make it more harmonious for the celebration.For more fun, you can also put some colorful or painted egg placeholders on the table as well. Easter baskets can also be added onthe table where all the materials needed for the craft making areput together for easier access of the kids.Bunny finger puppets are great and easy kids craft ideas thatyou can create for the Easter celebration. It can easily be done bykids without the harm of too much cutting or usage of unsafematerials for kids. The puppets can be designed with whiskers,wiggly eyes and felt ears. Basket ideas are also great for kidscrafts where it can be enhanced with some fuzzy and funny look. Itcan also be created into a baggy style with the proper following ofdirections of course. Easter cards ideas are also great for thecelebration. Though it's the simplest form, it's the sweetest giftyou can give to your loved ones. This idea is very practical sinceall you need is some stickers, markers or cardstocks. For moredecorations, you can put in some extras like blue and pinkrickrack.You do an excellent job of fulfilling your child's basic needs,like nourishment, shelter, and love. But how do you bring out thoseother qualities in your kid's personality, like creativity,imagination and achievement?One way to do this is with craft kits that your child cancomplete at home. Here are some ideas.Bright Multi Color Pom Pom and Chenille Stem KitWith this kit, your kids can create a whole playgroup of fun,fuzzy, goofy friends! Children can take the 12-inch multicoloredpipe cleaners and affix their own unique combination of pom poms,feathers and "wiggly eyes." There are over 300 craft pieces tochoose from!"We Creations" Small Body KitThink of it as paper-dolls with a little more complexity andingenuity. Your child can mix and match 36 body pieces, heads andjump rings, and choose their outfits to make three dozen "littlepeople." They can be customized to resemble family members orfriends and used as charms, ornaments or keepsakes (jewelry gluenot included).Color Your Own PuzzleYoung kids enjoy putting together jigsaw-style puzzles - so theywill absolutely love creating their own custom puzzles andassembling them! This product comes with two white sheets that are5.5 by 8 inches in size.
Dining Room Design Ideas 1.1
Rylai Crestfall
When considering dining room design in yourhome, you primarily have the décor and furniture to consider. Thesefactors will largely be influenced by the size of the room, andwhether or not you have windows. The room you use primarily foreating in might not in fact be your dining room, since many eat inthe kitchen as a family and use the main dining area for guests anddinner parties.Whichever your practise is, it is nevertheless important thatthe room is bright and airy, and comfortable to eat in. Thedecorative accents should be focused on expanding the size of room,and light colors and mirrors can make a room appear significantlylarger than it is. This is particularly true if you have mirrorsaligned to reflect each other, and also reflect the windows if youhave them.Here are some tips on dining room design, including furnitureand decor suitable for the more traditional home and household thatwants to impress invited guests.Dining Room DécorWhite or light colored walls will make the room look larger,while if you have a particularly large room, darker colors can makeit appear more intimate. Try to cut back on very bright primarycolors: it is fine to have one brightly colored wall if the othersmatch with a more muted pastel shade, but too much color is notusually recommended for a dining room.Windows can seem larger if they have narrow frames andsurrounding woodwork, and cutting back on the drapes also tends tohelp open out a room. As previously mentioned, mirrors can also beused to make a room appear more expansive, but should be avoidedwith larger rooms if you wish to create an intimate atmosphere.Dining rooms tend to be the source of a lot of conversation, sowallpaper is better than painted walls for absorbing sound waves. Acarpet or rug also absorbs sound better than wood flooring. Withoutsome form of sound absorption, voices will be reverberating fromsurface to surface, and the conversation will be booming ratherthan muted.The Furniture DimensionsThe furniture should fit the room. Many people make the mistakeof packing as much furniture in as possible, but all this achievesis a cluttered appearance and your room looking smaller that itreally is. If you can only fit a 6- or 8-seater table in your room,then that is all you should have.The lighter the wood, the less space it seems to take up,although obviously this is only an illusion. You need to leave atleast 4 feet space between each side of the dining table and thewalls or other furniture, and also a minimum of 24 inches betweenchairs. That should be enough information to enable you to work outthe size of table you can fit in and how many people you can seat.Don't try to get away with less space, or your guests will feelsquashed and uncomfortable.Only use a broad dining table if you have a need for centralspace for such items as a centerpiece and candles. Otherwise, 36inches is more than adequate. If you have only a small space forthe table, a circular table is better than a rectangular one, and apedestal base can seat more than a base with three or fourlegs.Thus, a 5 ft diameter table with a pedestal base will seat 6,but with legs will only seat 4, the same number that a 3 ftpedestal table can seat. At the other end of the scale, a 7 ftdiameter table with a pedestal base will seat 9, while a 7 ft x 3ft rectangular table will seat 8: 3 each side plus one at eachend.Dining Room Accessories and Accent PiecesIf your dining room has the space for them, other pieces offurniture such as cocktail cabinets, curio cabinets, sideboards andcredenzas add that extra touch of pizzazz to your décor andfurnishings. Candelabra, a chandelier and other forms of uniquelighting can be used, and table furniture such as bowls,centerpieces and trays of nuts and fruit will add class to anytable.
Interior Home Decoration 1.1
Rylai Crestfall
Home interior decorations is one all aboutmaking your house into a home. With colors, style, theme,furnishings and different decor elements a house gets itscharacter. Starting with the living room right to the bathroom,home interior decorations looks into all the aspects of the house.The main goal for interior decoration of any room of the house isto give it an individual personality. Interior decor generallyconcentrates on finishes like wallpapers, wall paint, windowcoverings and furnishings. Along with it comes the balance of thevarious decoration items like wall hangings, showpieces etc. Solet's take a quick look for home interior decoration ideas fordifferent rooms in a house.Big Spacious RoomsThere are many ways to make a room look spacious and large. Thefirst most important element is the room lighting. Go for soft andeven lighting so that shadows don't divide your room into smallersections. Avoid putting ceiling lights as they make the ceilinglook lower. By having a diffused and ambient lighting the room willlook large. The next thing to keep in mind is the texture used inthe room. Smooth surfaces tend to reflect more light as compared toheavy textured flooring. For interior decoration one can also usemirror and chrome as the reflection and shine give depth to a room.The wall colors of a room are also important in giving a spaciouslook to the room. Go for cream, beige, gray or cool pastels forwalls. Also while selecting colors keep in mind that the ceilingshould be in the lightest color in the room. The next thing comesthe furniture. Place the furniture in a manner that it leavesadequate space to move around. Push the largest piece of furnitureagainst the wall. Let the furniture color be similar to the walland floor color of the room.Cozy RoomsJust like spacious rooms, cozy room interior decoration is alsovery much possible. Get the comfortable and settled in feeling asinterior decoration creates an intimate space for you. Once morelighting will play an important role. There are many modernlighting trends that will help your room to look cozy and comfy.Avoid ceiling lights, instead lamps with down shades will help theroom look compact. For room colors, go for strong wall and floorcolors. This will create a feeling of closeness in your roominteriors. Heavy soft textures are great for cozy room interiors.Try rough textures for the hard elements in the room. If you aretrying to attract attention towards any particular piece offurniture then dark finishes and fabrics will surely tempt you tosink into that favorite sofa set. Use tall pieces for the roomdecor, as it creates a cozy world of intimacy.Theme RoomA theme room is working on a particular idea and developing thehome interior decoration accordingly. One can have the entire housedecorated in one theme like contemporary home decor or Asian homedecor or go room by room. Like the master bedroom can have adifferent theme, the teen room a trendy interior decor and so on.Once you have decided on the theme of the entire house or aparticular room, select the decoration pieces for it.Colors and FabricsIn interior home decorations color and fabric are veryimportant. When we say color, then it is not just wall colors.Select colors for fabrics, linen, pillows, curtains etc. complementit with the wall colors and give your room a vibrant look. The sameconcept applies to fabrics as well. Today there are so manydifferent kinds of fabrics available. Select fabric that goes wellwith your room decor.Creativity is the core of interior decorating. You need to letloose your imagination, aesthetic sense, and intelligence, and cullout as many ideas as possible. Interior decorating can be comparedto poetry, as both are vast and simply do not seem to have adefinite end. You can go on and on and on.
Headboard Design Ideas 1.0
Rylai Crestfall
Bed headboard design has become even more important than thebed.Choosing a headboard now takes up more time than choosing thebed -apart from the mattress of course. People are no longerinterestedin the bed itself - the framework upon which the mattresssits andto the headboard is bolted. Probably because that is a partof thebed that is rarely seen!History of a Bed HeadboardWe are not discussing those all singing all dancing bedpanelswith all the bells and whistles such as an integrated radio,alarmclock, bookshelf and lights. We are discussing plain boardswith nobells and no whistles. Your headboard can set the decorativestyleof a bedroom, and can also express your own styleofcreativity.Some refer to the headboard as being the frame to thebed'spainting. In fact, it has gone further than that and hasbecome thepainting itself. The footboard contributes to an extent,and sodoes the quilt or bed covering. The bed frame, as statedabove, isnot seen. However, in general parlance, the bed is thewhole item,and the head of the bed, footboard frame and bedcoverings aresimply components.Through the ages, the top part of the bed has been developedtoprotect people from drafts while sleeping, and has also beenusedas a backrest and headrest, as a table for eating in bed (theboardwould be unlatched and placed over the lap) and as today,forpreventing pillows falling behind the bed.Today, they are mainly decorative, and chosen to either setthedecorative theme of the bedroom or to follow it. There is amassiveselection of different styes available in every color oftherainbow. However, it is the solid wood versions that mostpeoplechoose, both for their looks and their style.Styles of HeadboardAn example of style is the sleigh bed, where the boardcurvesbackwards in the semblance of a typical Father Christmassleighboth at the top and at the end of the bed. The footboard isoftenignored in such discussions, yet it too has a part to play intheoverall design of a bed. Others styles come in form ofpaneledwooden boards, wrought iron and a combination of thetwo.The style of the headboard can be used as the focal point ofabedroom. Some people prefer this to be in a color that contrastsorclashes with the main color theme of a room. For example, abrightred panel in a room otherwise decorated with pink or earthpastelshades.Nevertheless, the most popular styles of headboards arecraftedin solid wood - oak, cherry, maple, mahogany and Americanwalnutare five of the more popular woods. These are normallypaneled, andmay also display some form of decorative carving.Upholsteredversions are frequently deep buttoned, sometimes tuftedto give theheadboard a quilted appearance.Headboard FixingsOne option is a detached style which is attached to the wall,thebed being pushed hard up against it. A potential problem withtheseis that when you come to replace your bed, you either havetoredecorate the wall or use a new board of the same size and shape-or even keep the same headboard! You can also getfloor-standingversions that are not fixed - a better option thanwall-mountedstyles.Some are fixed as an integral part of the bed itself, so whenyoudecide to change the bed you must also change the headboard -and ifyou want to change that, then you must also purchase a newbed! Notjust that, but if you have a beautiful antique headboard,you cannotuse it with that type of bed. The most flexible type isone that isattached to the bed with screws or clips, so you changeone or theother separately.Factors to Consider when ChoosingFist look at your bedroom as a whole. How big is the bedincomparison to the bedroom? Since most people choose theheadboardalong with the bed, the question will generally be how bigthe bedshould be. That should be determined partially by thespaceavailable and partially by the height of who is to use it.
Casual Dresses Design Ideas 1.1
Rylai Crestfall
Are you looking for tips on how you can befashionable even amidst the recession? Do you want to know insidersecrets on how you can have all the casual dresses you want withoutcausing a dent on your bank account? Are you ready to welcome thenew fashionable you? If you're wondering how you can get the bestdeals on the trendiest and sexiest women's dresses, then here arejust a few tips that might prove to be valuable to you.1. Scour the local thrift shopsIf you're looking for unique finds that will best suit youreclectic personality, you'll be amazed by the wide selection offashionable pieces that your local thrift shops have in store foryou. From classic Chanel to funky Korean brands, you can uncoverendless fashion possibilities just by shopping at a thrift store.But a word of advice. Since you'll be dealing with mainly secondhand goods, make sure to check for any signs of wear and tear andstains that might prove to be difficult to get out.2. Do your own sewingIf wearing second hand clothing isn't actually your thing, thenyou might be more interested to venture out into sewing your ownladies dresses. What's great about sewing your own clothing is thatyou can enjoy the liberty of choosing the print, fabric, as well asthe style of your casual dresses. You also be able to control howyou want your dresses to fit on you. Interested to know how you canget started on this hobby? Look up instructional videos that youcan easily find online and allow yourself to be inspired.3. Go online and compareWant to know how you can get the best deals on designer casualdresses? If you're more interested in buying ready made pieces fromyour favourite up and coming designer, start your search by goingonline. There are hundreds of retailers that can deliver thatperfect dress straight to your doorstep so be sure to choose onethat offers the best prices. Before you fill out that order form orcheck out your online cart, don't forget to compare notes on thedifferent stores. Some online stores have better prices andfacilities than others so it pays to do your researchbeforehand.If you want to truly look like a fashion star, it's importantthat you learn how to choose dresses according to your body typeand not just what the popular fashion magazines dictate. Alwayskeep in mind what your body type is and use this information tochoose dresses that will complement your shape the most.Now that you have a better idea on how you can fuel your passionfor fashion without having to break the bank, make sure to followall the tips that you have just learned in this short article.Always remember that style and fashion need not be expensive tocreate an impact. All you need is an innate sense of creativity tomake it work.Do you feel intimidated about wearing dresses? Are you jealousof other women who aren't afraid to strut their stuff in the mostfashionable dresses of the season? Are you looking for reasons topurchase casual dresses for yourself? If you answered yes to any ofthe questions you have just read, then it might be time for you toventure out into the colourful wonderful world of women'sdresses.What's great about having dresses is that they can easily bedressed up or down just by using a few choice accessories. Whetheryou plan on attending a benefit luncheon with the toast of society,or you're thinking of spending a lazy afternoon walking around thepark, you can wear the same dress on these two separate occasionswithout becoming a fashion victim. You'll be amazed by how a simplewhite cardigan or a chunky antique necklace can take a casual dressto a whole new different level. If you like dressing up withversatile pieces, then investing in a couple of designer dresses isthe way to go.
Birthday Cards Design Ideas 1.1
Rylai Crestfall
Today, graphic design on computers has madedesigning birthday cards quite easy. Personalized birthday cardsmay be cranked out with a few clicks and a scroll or three througha menu. Anybody with creativity, a computer, and ambition canbecome a birthday card designer. Creating personalized birthdaycards can be done for family, friends, yourself, or even for asmall or big business. The big dream would be to make and build acompany for birthday cards and have one of the mega-corporationsstop by, like your work, and buy the designs and company from you.The name of the recipient is not all that could fit in apersonalized card. It could have a picture, phrase, color scheme,school, occupation or just anything that makes it personal.Personalizing makes the card very special and unique, showing a bitof extra thought put into a card.Birthdays cards are not just for the world of printing. Onlinecards, or ecards, which are emailed to a person, have become a veryeasy way to send out a birthday wish. An email is sent to thereceiver, and the card is held online for a set period of time thendeleted. This is so that the company hosting the cards doesn't haveto store old cards that will most likely never be looked at again.Some ecards online are paid for while some others cost nothing. Tosend such a card may require a customer to make a membership ID atthe company's website. Once that is established, logging in theselection of an ecard will take place. Ecards are normallyavailable for most occasions. You can change the message, music,color schemes, and pictures for your card when you are online toset it up. Once you are set, review your options and send it away.Personalized birthday cards get as simple as that. Some onlinecompanies allow users to customize with their own music andpictures.How about this idea: a huge personalized birthday card made outof waterproof material. People can rent it for a week and put it ontheir friend's yard to celebrate something special. The basic cardmay be the same, but things such as a name could be added to helppersonalize it. Maybe leaving a space to add pictures of eitherimportance or of the recipient could be implemented. A creativeentrepreneur may create a few different variations of this card fora few different occasions and have the available for end. The cardshould be anchored to the ground, making it so the wind can't takeit down. Of course, contact information should be placed on thecard but not in a very obnoxious place that it takes away from themessage of the gift. Maybe, this is just the thing parent's need.They could set it in the front yard to keep the kids busy all daylong. What an excellent idea, I can't wait for this to beimplemented.The modern software used for computer graphic design has madecreating birthday cards a snap. Customized birthday cards are ableto be printed with just several clicks of a mouse button andscrolls through a menu. Those who possess a little creativity,self-motivated personality, and a PC can be a birthday greetingcard designer. You can have the option of making these cards foreither yourself or your friends, family members, and businesses. Ifyour dream is to build an outstanding birthday card design companyand to eventually make it valuable enough to sell outright to alarge corporation, it is possible to achieve your dream.Personalized birthday greeting cards are not only limited toincluding the recipient's name. Well-written phrases, colorschemes, pictures, schools logos, occupations, and many otherchoices can take a run-of-the-mill birthday card and instantly makeit customized. Taking the time to do this makes the recipient feelthat the sender went the extra mile to make their card special.
Teenage Bedroom Design Ideas 1.1
Rylai Crestfall
Your teenagers need to have their own bedroomthat will allow them to be comfortable all throughout the stage ofgoing through their adolescence stage. This is a critical phase oftheir growing up; therefore, having a kind of bedroom design thatwill fit into their mood swings and attitude is vital. Whenchoosing a teen bedroom design, make sure you understand everythingabout your teenagers.Here are some ideas when you are renovating the bedroom of yourteenagers:For your teenage girlIf your teenager is a girl, consider the colors that sheprefers. Maybe she has outgrown the love for pink and lavendercolors and she may prefer brighter and louder colors. If you arenot sure, it is better to ask your daughter of her preference.Asking her will make her feel she is not taken for granted insidethe house. After all, it is her bedroom that is going to bere-designed.Get her involved by always asking and letting her joined tostore trips when shopping for essentials needed for there-decoration of her room. The same thing with the accessories andfurniture, you have to remember they should fit to their needs. Hipfurnishings will suit personalities of teenagers, so fitting infurniture and accessories that are way maturely-looking is not agood idea.For your teenage sonLikewise, you have to consider preferences of your teenage son.The same with your teenage daughter, he has preferences that mustbe importantly considered. At this point of his adolescence, heneeds to feel more independent. You can give this independence byletting him involved in the entire process. Sometimes, it is moredifficult to get a teenage boy than the teenage girl to getinvolved with the process of redesigning his own room. The trick isto ask him to be part of the entire process of the activity.Starting from planning, shopping, painting, wallpapering, todecorating ask him to give a hand and he will most obliginglywilling to be part of all these. These are great things forteenagers to keep occupied in their vacant times, so your son willhave the best time doing these activities while getting their ownpreference incorporated inside his room. Letting them contributebig part for the teenage bedroom design activities will yieldfavorable results for both you and your children at the end of theventure.How to save in teenage bedroom designYou can save a lot if you don't toss off old furniture andaccessories inside their bedroom. You can re-cycle these things byre-painting them off with colors that your teenager daughter or sonprefers. Accentuating old furniture will avoid you from buying newones. Old lamps can be covered with faux fur while old phones canbe dressed with funky fabrics and accessories. For added drama andstyle, you can add shiny or colored knobs contrasting the color ofthe wall. If your daughter or son does not own one yet, buy beanbags. These are one of the most favorite stuffs of theteenagers.This is an article dedicated to teenage bedroom designs,especially the do of the walls of the bedrooms. But before we findout about the designs let us get to know something about teenagers.See, we have all been through this age and all of us know what itis like to be a teen, the fun, the laughter and inside the deepdoubt regarding ourselves, what we want to become and who we are.Therefore, I think that it is time we handled our teens correctlyrather than shout on them for each and every mistake they make. Iknow that it is difficult to keep your temper cool but you couldgive them a chance you know.And what better gesture to show them you care than helping themdecorate their bedroom for them. A teenager's bedroom is theirhaven of sorts and whether it is school work or just a sleepoverwith their friends, everything; little plans, every little secretis shared in this room.
Evening Dresses Design Ideas 1.1
Rylai Crestfall
An appropriate expression that summarizes theevening fashion trends of 2014 is "elegant luxury." This timedesigners have been forgetting the color palettes, textures,shapes, pathos in the cuts and all other innovations that remind usof the past seasons. This time they're bringing back thetraditional old-fashioned styles.The purpose of evening dresses is to tempt and seduce byhighlighting the true seductive curves and lines of female body. Sothe evening dresses of 2014 have been designed by keeping anemphasis on chest, hips and waist. Deep cuts and open shoulderswere chosen as the neck designs for designing the most seductivechest area. Given below are some popular trends that you can expectto see in the designs of evening dresses in 2014:Vivid and spectacular color choicesNoble and elegant color schemes are the future of fashion in2014, so they've been used in evening dresses too. Flashy or toomuch elaborative colors (i.e. acidic or neon) have been excludedand natural, lighter colors like blue, green, purple and red havebeen used as the primary choices. White and black dresses are alsothe traditional classics which are further strengthening theirposition in 2014.Enlightening folds on the dressesFolds, pleats and drapes are some common designing tactics usedin the evening dresses of 2014. Every designer seems to be findinghis/her own unique solution with these tactics by doing numerousexperiments.Focus on the upper chest and shouldersDeep cuts in the form factor of V shape are no longer the onlyway of driving focus to the chest area. Now designers are doingeven franker experiments like fitting the neckline and welcomingopen shoulders. However, since that traditional V shape is stillthe love of many women, some designers decided to do a bit ofmodification to the existing design. So V shaped designs with somemodified form-factor can also be seen in the evening dresses of2014.Some even trickier experiments have also been done here - Forexample, in a design known as "Fake Nude", at first glance anyoneseeing will feel as if the upper chest part is almost entirelyopen. But when seen closely, you'll find a transparent orsemi-transparent fabric at that place. By this technique designerstried to complete the two main accents: opening the shoulders andthe chest area.Usage of fringes and fills in the designsUsage of fringes and frills gives even more romantic look to thedress. By seeing the collection of 2014 we can say that couturierswere used in an abundance of frills. Decorative stripes ofcouturiers have been used in the designs of next year. Some brandsare entirely replacing frills in 2014. This is a splendid job, butit decreases the romantic effect of dresses.Are you concerned about finding ladies evening dresses that willlook great on you for a special upcoming event? Relax, this isgoing to be fun! These tips will transform shopping for eveningwear dresses into the enjoyable experience it should be.Maybe you are a very petite or very tall woman looking for theright style of evening wear dresses or debs dresses. Or maybe youare not sure whether velvet dresses will work for your body type.Perhaps you are very curvy or need a plus size special occasiondress or plus size formal wear, or maybe you are a mature womanseeking formal wear dresses, and not sure if the latest styles willlook well on you. Take heart, you will find answers to commonconcerns here and in my upcoming articles.1. What looks best on youStyles and fabrics best for body types and age. Your body typeand age have an impact on the styles and fabrics that look best onyou.Design Lines and Embellishment can have a big impact on drawingattention only to your best features.Color. The dress color should coordinate with your own colors,its impact on the impression and mood you want to convey, the typeof event, and considerations for classic or the latest colorstyles.
Birthday Cake Model Ideas 1.1
Rylai Crestfall
Celebrating 30th birthday can be so muchdifferent like when you were in your younger years. Most likely,you don't fancy with as much excitement when it comes to having30th birthday cake ideas. After all, you believe fancy cakes areonly for younger ladies and a lot younger boys. But why confiscatea birthday cake out of your party if it can set the celebrationeven more of a unique one? There are other 30-ish people thatcelebrate with fancy or simple cake ideas, so why not you?Black icing is a favorite for birthday cake ideas. It is usuallyadded with the favorite candle lights, but in this particularcelebration, these are going to be numbers 3 and 0 shapes. Forsome, it is even more fun to make two cakes to accommodate thosetwo numbers. For others, number candle lights are out of options.They simply have the numbers carved in each cake after taking outthe oven to cool them. Adding frost and sprinkles in festive colorswill finish the birthday cake.The birthday cake can be integrated with a favorite theme thatcompliments the personality of the celebrant. For example, if he orshe is fond of sports, sewing, magazines, clothes, shoes, andothers, the cake can be decorated as inspired with a particularinterest that the person celebrating the birthday has. Plastic orwax figures modeling a specific interest or hobby will do for thedecoration. Be creative as you can and you will come up with thebest cake idea that will surely tell who and what that person islike.Gag gifts can be placed on the cake to create lighter fun of thecelebration. For example, if the person is into cross-stitching youcan add a needle and yarn on top of the cake as decorations. Formore fun, you can add a rectangular piece that resembles acomputer, and then add an inexpensive reading glasses on top as ifyou are warning the celebrant about the eye straining habit he has.It will make the celebrant feel much appreciated and acknowledged.The cake idea will also set that festive mood to kick off acelebration that would surely be remembered by everybody, and muchmore by the celebrant.If there is no one to bake the cake idea, this can be easilyordered from bakery and confectionery shops. They usually providecakes at various prices. You can instruct them how you want thecake to look like. Online bakeries are as well available. You canorder from these dealers through the comfort of your home. Thereare many cake ideas and designs that are available online, so youcan take time to select one that will best fit the celebration. Youcan also order a custom cake design by giving online staffinstructions on the specifics you want out of it.In today's unpredictable and sometimes scary financial climatefinding money for necessary luxuries, such as birthday andChristmas presents, can be difficult. One present that will alwaysgo down well is a personalized homemade cake. Not only are theycheap to make, but the recipient will always appreciate the amountof time, effort and thought that has gone into the creation oftheir gift. This article aims to provide some style tips on how todecorate a birthday cake.Firstly, there is the simple icing only option. Assuming thatyou know (or have found out) what their favorite kind of cake is,you should be aiming for a simple geometrical shape (such as acircle or square), as these will be the easiest to ice. For extraflair, use food colorings to turn a traditional white icing intomulti-color mayhem. When you stir the food coloring in, be carefulnot to mix them up too much, so that you are leaving a swirling ormarbling effect throughout the icing. This will give the illusionof movement and grace to your cake. Lastly, when using icing alone,remember to use a spatula to smooth it flat, as this gives it aprofessional look.
Room Painting Design Ideas 1.1
Rylai Crestfall
Family room paint colors are useful if onedesires to impart an updated effect to the rest of the room. Theseunique types of coloring shades have the capability to transform aplain simple box into a dwelling. Since the family room is meantfor every member of the family unit so it is necessary to ensurethat the chosen color works perfectly for every concerned member ofthe family. It is advisable to opt for a contemporary designpattern. A present-day design pattern can influence the surroundingof the living room in a marked way. A modern design pattern is themost preferable choice if one has limited space. This type ofcurrent design pattern is appropriately suited if one desires toimpart a decorative value to the family room. Gray paint colors,taupe and ultra bright white are the most preferable coloringoption for the modern design style.It is a normal trend that every family member has their ownchoices. Some love feminine or lavender colors while the restdesire masculine red. It is necessary to choose a particular themethat can satisfy every family member. One can always opt for softgreen paint colors or sunny yellow shades that can satisfy thepreference of every family member. It is a great idea to adorn thefamily room with a lot of family photos. This can provide asentimental feeling to the surrounding space. A crisp and freshfeeling can be imparted to the family room by choosing classic tintcombination. Color combination such as navy and white areappropriately suited for imparting a lively and fresh feeling tothe surrounding space. Traditionally inspired vertical stripes canbe created by making use of blue painter tape. A glossy paint isperfectly suited if one desires to bring about a subtle look to theappearance of the living space. A cozy glow can be brought about bychoosing reflective metallic tints.Home is the place which gives you feeling of warmth and comfortafter a long tiring day. The wall paint colors can make your homelook elegant or funky as per your desire. It has been proved thatcolors of the walls affect us psychologically. Some colors giveswarmth will others provide cooling effect. Since the wall colorroom can be changed easily so it is considered as the best way ofexperimenting with different interior ideas. There are varioustypes of wall paint design available in the market which you canincorporate in your home to give it a complete makeover. Wallstenciling is one of an interesting wall painting technique whichuses cutout or templates to create a design. Later on thesestencils are removed and the pattern remains there. You can createany type of pattern through this technique like stars, animals,flowers and many others. This process if very simple and will makeyour walls look entirely different.Another type of wall painting design is faux painting whichactually means false painting. In this type of design you cancreate an illusion of materials like marble, granite, wood andothers using the paint. Rubber stamping is another cool designwhich is fast, easy and above all looks impressive. Besides theseyou can also go for accent walls, stripes, trim, graphics and manyothers. No matter whatever design you may choose but always go forthe right type of color which suites the pattern and also goes wellwith the overall looks of the room. Avoid very bright colors untiland unless you want to make the walls as the focal point of yourrooms. It is always better to go for the neutral shades of yourchoice.There are lots of different interior paint designs that you canuse for your house's rooms. A paint design is basically the colorsthat you will use to create the look of your rooms. This can bejust one color or a combination of several different ones. Whenusing lots of colors you will have to take extra care to pickcolors that match.Popular interior paint designs are based on the neutral colorfamily.
Kids Craft Project Ideas 1.1
Rylai Crestfall
Craft kits and activities are great for rainydays and safe, creative fun indoors. Let your kids explore the wildand woolly landscape of their imaginations with premium artsupplies and crafting sets. They'll be as busy as bees for hours,creating one-of-a-kind crafts from safe, non-toxic materials. Witheverything from beads to balsa, there's bound to be something foreveryone.You can even take advantage of seasonal and holiday themed kitsfor terrific, affordable party activities and fun decorating ideas.And clean up is as easy as rolling up a newspaper. Each set haseverything your child needs to indulge his or her creative spirit.Get your kids crafting today with these fantastic craftingsupplies.Halloween Wood Bead Craft SetsThis cheerful bead set includes a pumpkin bead, candy cornshaped beads and round wooden beads in seasonal hues. Make up totwelve bracelets with this Halloween-themed crafting kit. Great forparties, favors, even trick or treat handouts. Instructions areincluded.Twelve Thanksgiving Foamie Turkey Pins Group Project KitA Thanksgiving craft project for a cozy fall afternoon. TheFoamie Turkey Pins kit comes loaded with fun foamie cutouts andfeathers suitable for building a friendly turkey. Kids will lovechoosing just the right feathers for their turkey pin. Everythingyou need to make twelve adorable turkey pins is included - just addglue and creativity.One Pound Assorted RhinestonesThere's no end to what your kids can make with this glitteringbounty of multicolored rhinestones. Inside, flatback rhinestonesrange in size fro 18mm to 35mm. Two different cuts of stone -faceted and cabachon - are included to bring your kids' craftprojects to nightclub-friendly levels of glitz. This generousvariety of colorful stones is perfect for camp crafts,jewelry-making, t-shirt decorating and whatever else your juniorfashion designers wish to bedazzle.Bright Multi-Color Pom Pom and Chenille Stem KitA variety of brightly colored crafting materials to catch theeye and zap any project with cool neon flair. This all purposecraft pack includes googly eyes, pom poms and feathers as well asbundled 12 inch pipe cleaners in a variety of high-voltage colors.Build a creature, decorate a t-shirt, or simply apply googly eyesto practically anything for hilarious results. Enjoy this generouspackage loaded with craft items near and dear to the heart of everyexperienced crafter.Color Your Own Puzzle- Two SheetsEverything you need to create a fun, interactive masterpiece.Blank puzzle sheets at 5 ½ inches wide and 8 inches high let youturn any drawing, painting or collage into a puzzle. Your kids willlove creating this great craft and, afterward, putting it together.This fantastic kit can also yield a great gift for grandma or afriend.Create-a-Tiara Craft Kit- Makes TwelveTurn any slumber party or birthday into a princess-themed tiaraparty! Kids will love creating dazzling tiaras from this fullyloaded craft kit. It includes adjustable cardboard tiaras, perfectfor little heads. Glitter glue pens make clean up time as quick andeasy as snapping on a pen cap. A variety of sparkling craft jewelsand stickers will keep your kids happy for hours.Cross Photo Frame Magnet Kids' Craft SetYour kids can turn this fun and functional Photo Frame Magnetset into a beautiful frame ideal for keepsake photos fromcommunions, baptism, weddings, even festive Christmas shots!Protect and display photos in this high quality wooden framemeasuring 6 ½ inches wide and 5 inches high.Plaid Faster Plaster Hand Print Mold Keepsake KitHelp your child create a plaster memento you'll both treasurefor years to come. Simple, fun and easy to clean up, this plasterHand Print kit comes with all the supplies you need to create onehand print: one bag of Faster Plaster, one reusable heart shapedmold, six paint pots, one paint brush and simple instructions.
Prom Dresses Design Ideas 1.1
Rylai Crestfall
Teenagers do not have it easy when searchingfor a prom dress that they really like. It is a lot easier to findone if you have an idea of specific places to visit though.However, before you set out to take a trip to any of these placeshave a general idea of what your preference is when it comes todresses in terms of style, design, and fit.You have the option of either hiding the problem areas or flauntthe areas that you feel confident with. The key to the search forthe very best prom dress is simple; you need to feel comfortableand gorgeous in it.Prom Dress Designs: Browse the Dress ShopsDesigner dress shops are the perfect place to start when lookingfor prom dress designs. This is because you can see variety butalso ask for opinions and advice on which style of dress would bestsuit you. Most qualified designers will know exactly which stylewould match your age, body shape, and occasion.The variety of colors to choose from is extraordinary too. Dressshops always carry unique dresses that aren't found in all theother stores. If you have a creative flair you could even designyour own prom dress to ensure it is one of a kind.Ready to Wear Prom Dress DesignsMalls are another place that can be good to browse for promdresses. This is especially convenient if you're on a tight budget.Ready-to-wear dresses can look exceptionally beautiful on you andstill be affordable.Searching for your prom dress designs can be even more fun ifit's done with friends. You still need to know what type of dressyou like though or the task will be daunting to complete.Dress Rental Shops: Yet Another Option in searching for PromDress DesignsIf you are considering getting a prom dress design that you willnever wear again for any other occasion, a dress rental shop may bethe perfect option for you.It is more convenient to save the cash and rent it than splurgefor something that will never again be used by you. Rental shopscarry quite a variety of prom dresses in a slew of designs andstyles.Last but not least: Prom Dress Designs on the InternetIf you cannot find time in your hectic schedule to physicallylook for a prom dress you can use the internet instead. The onlything is that you need to definitely know your size since you don'thave the option of trying it on first.You also can't shop over the internet at the last minute. Youhave to allow time for the dress to get to you as well as time forany last minute alterations or exchanges as well.Don't choose prom dresses that everyone else will likely have;you need to be different. Add a personal pizzazz to your prom gown.The prom dress you select must express your character. When youhave a slim figure, you could appear very best in a sheath-styledress that showcases your figure. If you are voloptuous, you mightwant to try an A-line dress that will emphasize your waistline andminimize your thighs and hips.If you're small on top, you don't want to complicate the toppart of your prom dress. Keep the neckline straight - whether it'swith spaghetti straps, off the shoulder, empire waist or strapless.This will add emphasis to your top making your lower torso, orhips, look smaller. And also any accessories will look very good onyou. Give full attention to earrings as well as bracelets. If youhave a lean figure, any kind of style which includes ruching,pleats, asymmetrical hems or overlays, hi-lo hems or hanky hemswill provide your body the highlights it requires to add interest.Patterns made up of beads, rhinestones or sequins, multiple layersand colors are all excellent assets for your body figure. If youhave an hourglass figure, you possibly can and should use slinkyfabrics, dramatic lines, strong colors, deep slits, cut out orillusion waists as well as deep colors.The actual length of the gown is vital for a variety of reasons:how formal the dance is and what is in season or fashion at thattime.
Maternity Clothes Design Ideas 1.1
Rylai Crestfall
Are your pre-pregnancy clothes too tight butare you not quite ready for "real" maternity clothes? TransitionWear clothing is the perfect option. Transition Wear clothing isspecifically geared for a woman's body as it transitions intopregnancy and also for post-partum as it transitions back to herpre-pregnancy shape. Most transition wear tops, dresses andloungewear are designed for nursing access as well. Also,transition wear clothes are designed to look like regularpre-pregnancy clothes, just with a little more room where you needit - in the bust, belly and waist.There are a number of maternity brands that specialize intransition wear. Japanese Weekend makes an extensive transitionwear line called "During and After" or D&A, for short. All ofJapanese Weekends' D&A tops, loungewear and dresses havenursing access. Most of the tops are long enough and have enoughstretch to be worn through the first two trimesters of pregnancyand oftentimes up to your baby's delivery. Japanese Weekend'sNursing Loungewear Pajamas and Nightgown are made for bothmaternity and nursing.Majamas is another brand that specializes in addressing thetransition stage of a woman's body. Majamas was one of the premierbrands for transition wear and built their entire line aroundcomfortable nursing loungewear. One of their original nursingstyles, The Softest Top, continues to be favorite among nursingwomen and is sold year after year. Majamas two popular nursingpajama styles are the MJ and Pajannaman which come in a widevariety of colors and patterns. Their Sleepy Nursing Dress, whichwas originally designed as simply a nursing loungewear nightgownwith a thicker material and bust support, has become so popularthat is now marketed as nursing or maternity dress. Many women haveworn this dress to more formal events such as weddings!1 in the Oven is a new maternity and nursing brand that is alsojumping successfully into the transition wear fashion scene. ThisBeverly Hills based brand has been touting some well deservedcelebrity appeal with a recent basket full of purchases by newlypregnant Christina Aguilera. In addition to a wide selection ofsoft stretchy henleys tops and hoodies, 1 in the Oven has abestselling Super Soft Ruched Fold Over Pant that is perfect forboth maternity and transition wear. This pant is very similar toMajamas Softest Yoga Pant which is designed for post-partum wearwithout looking like maternity pants.If you are hoping to increase the mileage on your pre-pregnancywardrobe with pants, skirts and shorts that can't quit button orzip all the way, then the Bella Band is the perfect answer for you.This product is designed specifically to fashionably cover yourbelly when your current wardrobe cannot. Bella Bands are reasonablypriced and come in a variety of colors and sizes. Bella Bands cancomfortably serve the same purpose for your post-partum body as youtry to shrink back into your pre-pregnancy wardrobe, but need someextra help for fit and comfort.There are so many maternity brands now that are branching intocreative nursing wear and transition wear bottoms, so there is noexcuse for not finding comfortable fitting fashionable clothes forany stage of pregnancy or postpartum!We researched maternity designers, read blogs and read as manyuser and consumer feedback forums as we could to try and find whichmaternity clothes designers are the best reviewed and worn byexpecting moms. The main factors and concerns that we noted werepregnant moms were concerned about the comfort, fit, price andpracticality of maternity clothes. These days there are a varietyof beautiful and durable fabrics to last through 3 trimesters and 9months or pregnancy. We see that many designers are now makingmaternity designs in such a style and design that they can also beworn after pregnancy.
Bedroom Decoration Design Idea 1.1
Rylai Crestfall
The biggest designing mistake while doing upyour small bedroom is: over-accessorizing and crowding it withsundry and inappropriate furnishing items. If your bedroom issmall, your focus should be on implementing the right decor to makeit look spacious and simplified. Here are some small bedroomdecorating ideas that would help you make the most of the limitedspace available.Lighting: The lighting's in your small bedroom should be softand subtle to give a gentle appeal to your room. One of the mosteffective small bedroom decorating ideas is to install thelighting's near to your bedroom to render a more spacious appeal.Avoid installing huge stand-alone lamps; instead use lamps that caneasily mount on the wall. To serve your studying or readingpurpose, use the lamp that can be mounted on the wall accompaniedby an extension thread for its easy placement. Fluorescentlighting's and ambient accent make for an elegant bedroom.The right curtains and bet sheets: For a small bedroom it isalways advisable to use a plain bed sheet or a bed sheet with asimple design / pattern. Too much of floral and airy designs willmake your room look compact and crowded. Always let the folds ofthe bed sheet on the either sides of the bed flow loose to renderan elongated look to the room. One of the most efficacious smallbedroom decorating ideas is to use the same hue for the curtains asthat of the wall. Use light colored curtains, if your room lacksadequate lighting, to make your room look bright.Storage space: To make the most of your room, optimize yourfurniture both as your furnishing item as well as storage space.For example, purchase the bed that has cabinets and shelves tostore your seasonal clothes and crockery. Use Almira's that touchthe ceiling so that they don't utilize much space. Also, for bestsmall bedroom decorating ideas, place your furniture at an angularposition to the walls so that the room looks spacious.Always locate your decorative items at the corner of the room toeffectively utilize your corners. Use glass shelves to hold thedecorative items to make the room look clean and spacious.Everyone wants to make their bedroom look appealing. Making yourbedroom appear charming and inviting is not difficult. Here aresome popular bedroom decorating ideas.A bedroom needs a personal touch. Do this by putting up framedphotographs of family moments. You can also set aside some space todisplay cherished collectibles from your childhood. Includemementoes like the first gift your partner gave you or your weddinginvitation.Choose bed coverlets and duvets according to the mood you intend toconvey. For instance, if it is elegance you wish to display, choosea bed made with pale colored wood and cover the bed with starkwhite sheets. You can also use cream and pale blue or green colorsto give a calm feel.A fireplace is a great addition to a spacious bedroom. It adds anelement of warmth to the room. Place two cozy chairs in front ofthe fireplace.Many people wonder whether a television is an appropriate additionto the bedroom. The bedroom is a great place to unwind and atelevision is alright there. Choose a flat screen television thatcan be mounted on the wall.If moderns and minimalist is the image you wish to project, chooselow furnishings with minimum color. This also adds an element ofspace to the room.Minimalist themed bedrooms need not necessarily be devoid of color.Add rich colors to the white sheets by throwing a bright red orblue coverlet over it.Masculine bedrooms look good done in leather and accessorized withwooden bookshelves and tables.Popular bedroom decorating ideas also include themed bedrooms.Decorate the bedroom according to the theme of your choice. Yourtheme can range from antique themes to location based themes. Forinstance, a Hawaiian themed bedroom would be done in jute, bamboowith potted palms in place.
Boots Model Ideas 1.1
Rylai Crestfall
Boot is a type of shoes which not only coversup your feet but even covers your ankle and knee or even hip. Inearlier times boots were made of rubber or leather material andthese day they are made by using several different materials. Thereare many footwear companies that have come up with new styles anddesigns of ladies footwear such as sandals, boots, high heels, flipflops and many more. Whenever you select ladies boots you must lookfor quality footwear from good brand that fulfill your needs. Womeneven wear them to demonstrate their firmness and boldness, thuscreating their unique fashion statement. Boot heel is perfect forwomen who are looking for medium heel footwear.Boots for ladies are available in different shapes, designs,patterns, sizes and colors. Most women prefer the black color. Theyare best for winter and rainy season. It protects your foot as wellas leg from mud, water as well as snow. It keeps your foot warm anddry in winter season. They are best for people who stay in coldregions. This type of footwear is not a new concept. They werealready in fashion long time back. Fashionable and stylish ladiesboots exhibit different variations that are also noticed in otherfashion shoes. Fashionable boots comes in spike or tapered heels,pointed toes, and platform soles as well as zipper closure. Theyhave gone through number of changes. Today they are popularespecially with the designs of long length bootleg.There are mostly 3 types of boots which are popular amongfashion lovers. Ankle boots are stylish footwear for casual wear.They look great with a pair of jeans or skirt. Knee-high boots arebest for ladies who want to look really stylish. Due to their sizeknee-high boots will surely make a perfect style statement. Themost popular outfit with this style of boot is dark jeans. Anotherpopular type of ladies boots is the thigh-high boots that catchesmore eyeballs than the knee-high boots. If you love to make stylestatements then go for thigh-high boots.Designer rainy season boots are loved by ladies because of theirbright colors and stylish patterns. There are many optionsavailable for ladies boots. You just need to find the best oneaccording to your preference. There are boots ranging from flatones to the tall ones. Every year huge number of boots are beenmanufactured for ladies. Boots for women are famous all over theworld for its unique styles and designs. Investing in top qualitypair of boots really makes sense since you get back the worth ofyour hard earned money. With a pair of boots even your simplestattire looks phenomenal. With the increase in the demands of bootsmore and more footwear companies are coming up with latest trendsand designs.Whilst shopping for designer boots, the internet can be yourbest friend. While there is something satisfying about venturing tothe local mall and trying on an endless array of boots, today'seconomy makes it more important than ever to save money. One of thebest ways to enjoy both is to make that shopping trip just as youalways would, and then employ the internet. Many are hesitant topurchase women's boots online because of the unique fits and sizesthat many manufacturers feature. There's no way to tell if a bootwill fit you just by looking at its picture on a screen, afterall.So, enjoy your shopping. Head for the local shoe boutique or themall and try on any shoe that strikes your interest. Make a mentalnote or even write down the women's boots that you like and whatsize fits you, and remember the price. When your shopping isfinished, use the information to shop for the boots online. You'llknow what size you need and how much you can save. And with today'smobile technology, you can even access the internet while in theshoe store, making it even easier to save money and find theperfect boot for you.When your shopping is finished, use theinformation to shop for the boots online.
Wedding Bouquets Design Ideas 1.1
Rylai Crestfall
All brides want to have a gorgeous weddingbouquet, in the same way that they want to look equally stunning ontheir wedding day. But the assurance of having an impressivebouquet for a wedding can never be confirmed not until the actualwedding day and the flowers still manage to be fresh and beautiful.The making of bouquet can be patterned on conventional procedurealthough modern time has suggested various contemporary designsthat will change the typical presentation of a bouquet.Flower designing has currently imposed many artistic scopes.Most of these are incorporated with different types of choices thathave emerged, thus leading to a more captivating bouquet design.This scenario has brought the modern couples more unique designsfor bouquet, so they'll have wider selection.Setting up the flowers is one challenging task to be madebecause it speaks so much about the general appearance of thebouquet. To give you a more detailed discussion on the differentkinds of design for flower arrangement, here are some styles anddesigns you might find suiting for your own wedding:Some flowers are arranged in circular mold. This design issimple and yet captivating. It includes a certain foam formed incircular and is incorporated with some beautiful flowers that comein a plastic grip. The floral foam shores up the flower arrangementaside from serving as the essential shaper of your weddingbouquet.Another design for a wedding bouquet is the classic one. Thisone is the most conventional style and has been adopted for so manyyears now. It often showcases the arrangement of aster and baby'sbreath all brought together in one group to make a bouquet.If you want to go on something that creates an abstract, choosethe design of falling arrangement. This design generates anillustrative yet imaginary vision where flowers appear to be likestreaming up to down.The most updated is the modern design. It is composed ofdifferent flower designs. Some are made from silk that have beenobjectively created to make an accessible procedure for bouquetpreservation.Generally, the design for wedding bouquets is picked dependingon the kind of theme that is chosen for the wedding. Bouquetsshould match the theme. Each people who have the potential to setup a flower arrangement can try on the most suiting style. He orshe can even explore but still make sure that it suffices thetheme.Your wedding bouquet is the definitive accessory for yourwedding dress. No matter what time of year you are getting married,there's an appropriate bouquet arrangement and design that willflatter your dress on this special day. A lot of brides don't evenrecognize that there are various wedding bouquet designs to pickfrom and each one compliments a particular look or style that cantake the wedding outfit from beautiful to spectacular.To select the correct bouquet, discern your body size, thefashion of your wedding gown and the look you want to depict. Toflatter a taller bride, or for the bride who wishes to look taller,a cascade bouquet is what you should get. This bouquet has the mostflowers at the top, with blooms cascading downward and a trail offoliage, ribbon and flowers which run on past the main bouquet.This bouquet is also a good option for the bride who wants to lookslimmer. Because it's a long bouquet that is rounded at the top andis pointy at the bottom, it makes the bride look taller and moreslender. This bouquet design is thought to be voluptuous andelegant, making it a clear choice for a more formal event.The round bouquet is a timeless bouquet design that goes backlong before the Victorian era. A round bouquet, occasionally calleda nosegay, can be ideal for a formal event, but works just as wellin a more relaxed situation.
Table Decorations Design Ideas 1.1
Rylai Crestfall
One of the most important decorative items ofany event is decorating the tables, especially for weddings. Youcan use either your own creativity or imagination to decorate thetables or hire a decorating professional to do it for you.One of the most important aspects while choosing the tableadornments is physical comfort of your guests. Make sure that yourguests should not feel ill or get offended with your party tableadornments. So how do you choose table designs for parties and whatare the ideas you can use.While most of us find it very easy to choose table designs forparties, there are some others who are not that much creative andmay need help in finding out what works and what doesn't.Here are few tips to help you in deciding the table decorationsfor the party you are organizing:1. First decide what kind of party you are throwing. Is it aformal sit down event or a casual dinner? It will play a great rolein deciding what the table decorations you need to choose. For acasual dinner event, choose a buffet kind setting with tablewareset at one end and floral arrangement at the other end. If it is aformal event, then you need to arrange table settings for eachindividual.2. The next deciding factor that can help in deciding tabledecorations is the reason for which you are throwing the party. Ifit is a Christmas party, use Christmas lights in a special manneras a part of the table decorations. If it is a thanksgiving event,choose decorations that reflect the mood of festive season. Ifthere is not any specific theme, then you can opt for seasonalmotifs. It will provide a refreshing effect and also match the moodof the day.3. Next thing that you should remember while selecting tabledecorations is the number of people attending the event and alsothe size of the dinner table. If your party contains multipletables, then you can choose a beautiful centerpiece instead ofhaving several attractions on the table. If you want to choosecandles, it is better to use floating candles for a nightparty.4. The most important thing while decorating the table isarrangement of pieces that are functional. You should be verycareful with the selection and also placement of the dinnerware.Try to choose decorative pieces that can complement with thedinnerware.5. The last but not the least. The type of the table can alsohave a great impact on table decorations. For small tables, useminimum decorations and keep it simple. For large tables, you canuse several decorations and you can also try a centerpiece.During the pathway of life we come across a lot of things wemight recall, our first trip to school. A milestone once we becamean adult, a unique award or achievement and so forth. We allexperience many good and maybe a few not so good events in ourlives, however, the one event that sets anything else apart is ourwedding day. This needs to function as the most joyful day of yourexistence for you and your spouse. To create your wedding receptionthat specially requires some meticulous planning during thepreceding several months. Lots of that time is allocated to themarriage reception, the part that causes it to be that special andromantic day. The primary focus, and among the toughest things youcan do is plan wedding table decorations when designing thereception hall.Wedding centerpieces add a lot towards the reception, beingprobably the most lavish area of the wedding. The marriagereception is where you and your spouse will have an excellent timespent with family and friends. Consume a carefully selected mealand having a couple of drinks to celebrate the wedding.Carefully selected wedding table decorations can make yourreception tables and hall come to life. The table decorationsenhance and liven up the occasion and therefore are frequently usedas gifts or awards for relatives and friends to take home toremember your special day.
Happy Birthday Cake Ideas 1.1
Rylai Crestfall
A birthday is an emotional event. It is theone defining day for opportunities to create emotional imprints ofhappiness. A celebration of a child's birth date is a prime time tocreate lasting memories of happiness. A special date that keeps ongiving.Many people have a cake baked to celebrate birthdays. It couldbe a family recipe that is passed on from one generation toanother. Or, it could be a cake favoured by the birthdaycelebrant(s). Or, it could be a theme cake. For a child's birthday- that is where the cake has a place of special honour. And, thecake is, for the baker, an opportunity to create a lasting memoryof happiness. The weather may not be perfect for the birthdaycelebration. The balloons may deflate or pop! The streamers maysag, and the games played may be a bust. But the cake! Yes, thecake! The cake has to be just right!The first moment the Birthday Girl(s)/Boy(s) set their eyes upon'their' cake is a moment that gives them a lifetime memory. Makethat a moment of complete joy. You'll also have a special moment ofjoy just to be part of their moment. It is the moment that keeps ongiving, and it is very special indeed.While not a great baker, I do bake birthday cakes for family andfriends fully with the intention that the cake for their birthdaybrings them joy. So it was that I baked a theme cake recently formy 2-year old Granddaughter. At two years of age, her awe of largeconstruction vehicles brings her great delight. Her Grandfatherbrings her by a construction site each day after picking her upfrom daycare. This stop may be only for a few minutes if themachines are 'sleeping', finished their day's work and all shutdown for the night. The stop may last 15 minutes if these monstersof construction are digging large holes for foundations, or dumpingscoops of dirt into waiting trucks. However long the stop, it isn'tover until Granddaughter puts her finger to her lips and signals'Shhhhh', (all the 'tractors' have gone to sleep for thenight).And that is what the theme was to be for celebrating myGranddaughter's birthday - a tractor cake. More specifically abackhoe, the favored kind of tractor for this special 2-year old.With a sturdy butter cake base and a large dose of yellow foodcoloring to tint the decorator's icing, a 3-D edible tractor wascrafted. Licorice for outlining; heart shaped candies for lights, acardboard, duct tape reinforced, cake covered backhoe arm; chunksof chocolate covered cake to resemble piles of 'dirt'; 'rocks' madefrom chocolate coconut candies and mini chocolate chip cookies; adusting of fine chocolate cookie crumbs for the 'constructionsite'; a number '2' candle; and mini pictures of my Granddaughter'sface in the cab 'window' making her the 'Driver'. All was ready!Would it be a cake to make a lasting memory of happiness for myspecial Birthday Girl?The moment arrived. My Granddaughter saw her cake. The smilespread across her face. Her eyes grew large. And, then she utteredthe words, "Tractor! Hap' Birthday!" The moment of happiness washere! An emotional imprint of happiness! A moment to last ourlifetimes! A moment that keeps on giving happiness each time it isremembered!It makes everyone highly vibrant and thrilled looking atdelicious Happy Birthday cakes, bringing a beaming smile on theirface and helping in developing a closer relationship in theprocess! Today the online gift stores all around the world providevery appropriate confectionery and superbly eclectic bakeryproducts to pamper the birthday boy or birthday gal enjoy theirspecial event in the best possible manner. How lovely and enjoyableit is to take a bite of the personalized gift when you sendbirthday cakes from an online gift shop! Many people now believe inextending their wishes as a surprise to the person having abirthday.
Dining Room Decoration Designs 1.1
Rylai Crestfall
How many dining room decorating ideas can youcome up with? There are a lot of them like table sets, chairs,rugs, window treatments, lighting and ceiling fans. These don'thave to be costly; you can make minor makeovers like windowtreatments and lighting that are relatively cheap. The windowtreatments can include shutters, curtains and drapes and thelighting can include ceiling fans or a simple drop light. Thenthere is the expensive renovations you can do like carpeting andnew furniture that can really hurt your bank account.If you are going to do major renovations or remodeling, thoseshould be done before considering lighting, table sets, chairs orwindow treatments. Maybe your dining room is stuck in the 60's andyou want to bring it up to date with modern or contemporaryfurniture. Whatever design you choose you can make it happen withjust a few well thought out dining room decorating designs. Forinstance you can change the entire look of your dining room byinstalling new ceiling fans and lighting. There are lots of stylesto choose from and the price will greatly depend on the design andthe size of the fan.Instead of cleaning your carpets you can install new carpetingor add area rugs. Rugs go great in any room of the house and canhelp protect your floor and carpet from damage. These too come canbe purchased in a variety of styles such as modern andcontemporary, antique, tile as well as in different shapes. Don'tstray too far from your kitchen decor when considering decoratingideas. You want your dining room to be an extension of yourkitchen, not a separate entity. Both rooms should have similardecor so they do not clash with one another.Your idea of remodeling may be to install cafe style louvereddoors to your dining room door from the kitchen. These areinexpensive makeovers that can bring the entire room together. Theycan match the furniture or the walls and let your guests feel theyare in a separate room while remaining a part of your kitchendecor. You can remodel by installing matching louvered cafe doorswith louvered window shutters for window treatments or addingceiling fans with uplights so that there is ambient lightinginstead of only lighting the dining table.Using inexpensive makeovers for decorating is a better idea thanspending all your holiday cash on your home. Window treatments,lighting, curtains and rugs are some of the cheaper ways to giveyour dining room a face lift. You can do most of these ideas injust a few days without having you home tore apart and in shambles.Consult your local retailers on the availability of the decoratingideas you want before beginning your project. You could be lefthigh and dry this holiday season without your dining room table orwithout your chandelier to eat by if you don't check to see what isavailable.While eating in your kitchen does feel better in some ways,being close to the smells of cooking and the warmth of the stovefor instance, there is a lot to be said about making the diningroom the center of your family dining. There is more room in thedining room, and everyone gets to eat together. That's a differentkind of warmth - a place that lends atmosphere to convivial joy -eating, talking, laughing, enjoying one another's company. With aroom that's intended for such togetherness, what kind of diningroom decorating ideas would create an environment that would bestsupport it?The simplest thing you could do would be to decorate withcandlesticks placed wherever they will fit (and not set anything onfire). That does lend a certain amount of warm elegance. But thereis a lot more you could do too accessorizing your dining room forthe exact feel that you are looking for. Families tend to feel welltaken care of in a formally decorated dining room.
Birthday Cards Model Design 1.1
Rylai Crestfall
We often have problems on thinking what bestgift would fit to our special someone on their special day. Yet, itnever came across our minds that best gifts could only come fromsimple thoughts of remembering them on their birthdays.Birthday cards are good examples on how you could express yourthoughts of gratitude, appreciation or just simply remembering thattoday is their day! Through these cards, you could convey whateveryou wish to say to the person involved and put across all unsaidwords, feelings and emotions.Buying a Birthday Card...Birthday Cards comes in various designs that are readilyavailable to be bought at any bookstores near you. In choosing whatto buy, one should consider:* The recipient of the card. It should somehow reveal to whomthe card is intended to. This anticipates that the totality of thecard speaks about feelings towards the expected receiver of thecard.* The title of the card. The title of the card is important forit speaks of the card itself. The card must have a cliché title soas to give an impression of enthusiasm and excitement to therecipient.* The cover of the card. The design of the cover gives therecipient a fancy feeling. In choosing a card, you must also takeinto consideration the recipient's personality. You might intend togive a card in which the design is too loud and lively wherein therecipient is too classy and sophisticated. This might result oflosing the recipient's interest on opening the card.* The thoughts written on the card. The card must posses thethoughts you somehow wish to convey. It might not be the exactwords but still, the idea is carried out in the card. It could alsocontain some tricky ideas in which it adds spice and art to thecard.* The space provided. The card must have a space wherein youcould freely write thoughts that was not written in the card, orthings you still wish to say. This would provide you theopportunity of putting across your feelings and emotions towardsthe person.Creating a Birthday CardPersonally made birthday cards are exceptional. These would giveyou the chance to personally craft the card for that specialsomeone and would also showcase your talent in making a handcraftedcard yourself. Below are some tips on how to make your personallymade birthday card one of a kind;1. Choosing the right paper to use.There are lots of kinds of paper to choose from likeconstruction paper, art paper, card boards, and etc. These papersalso come from different sizes and designs. It might appear plainor have different creative patterns. In choosing the right paper touse, you must have pictured on your mind what would your personallymade birthday card might look afterwards.2. Maximizing your resources.Recycling is one good idea of maximizing your resources. Cutouts from magazines, buttons, and unused left cloths are someexamples of these resources that could be recycled. You could cutletters from glossy magazines to create an artful title or write itdown yourself. You could paint a nice background design on the cardor create a design using buttons and unused lefts cloths. Remember,the design would vary on how you picture your craft.3. Creating a crafty design.In designing your card, you must take into consideration therecipient's personality and relation to you without sacrificing theart of your craft. Pop ups would also give tricky, yet artful,design of your personally made card. But bear in mind of not overdesigning your card. It might look awkward already and would lookover crowded.4. Summarizing your thoughts. There are lots of artful ways onhow to summarize your thoughts. Composing a poem or copying a linefrom a verse or song is an example of conveying your feelings. Youshould also consider the artful way of writing down these words onyour craft.
Wall Decor Design Ideas 1.1
Rylai Crestfall
The walls of a house should always be keptbright because they add glamor to the show of the house. Even ifyour house is very well furnished but the walls look dull, then theentire decoration is useless. On the other hand if the walls arebrightly painted and decorated then the whole house looks cheerful.So the central theme here is to decorate them with some uniquedesigns with the help of the modern wall decor designs. There aremany items available in the market and with the help of thosedecorative accessories, you can try your own artistry and designthem in different ways.Before we move on further to the designs, let us first see thatwhat is modern wall decor all about. Well this idea evolved as acombined result of the non-traditional ways of wall decorations.Earlier people got them painted in order to give them a brightappearance and in the name of decoration they used framed paintingsand mirrors. It was the furnishings which received more attention.But things changed as the designers came up with new ideas ofdecorations and they produced some really good decorativestuffs.Well today there are plenty of items like wall hangings, murals,wall shelves, vinyl stickers, wallpapers and many more. The beautyof these accessories are that you can use them in anyway to createyour own design. They are very easy to use and the best thing isthat you can remove them any time you want to. They are made withlatest techniques and high quality materials so that they do notdamage your walls. Among all the different accessories, thegraphics have taken up the name because they are very easy to applyand can put up a new look within few minutes.The modern wall art has lucrative decorative ideas which caninstantly change the look of your room. Even your kids can have funin decorating their room with the wall graphics. Use unframed artprints to add sophistication, the wall murals to give a naturaltint, the shelves to create your own space or the graphics likevinyl stickers and letters to make new designs. Its reallysurprising that such simple things can beautify your house withutmost sophistication and elegance. If you want to know more aboutthe modern wall decor art then you can visit online decor storesand can check out their collection.While most often thought of as window coverings, curtains arenot just for windows. They come in many different materials anddesigns ideal for many decorating projects and can add color andlife to any object or space: use them to hide wall imperfections,dress up furnishings, and create beautiful art pieces.Framed ArtDesigner and vintage curtain fabrics often come ingorgeous/mod/fun patterns and are ideal as framed art. I haveseveral embroidery hoops in different sizes that I used during mycross-stitching days. Instead of leaving them idle in a corner, Iused them to frame a floral patterned designer curtain fabric thatI wanted on display. This is a very simple idea and basically, youjust have to cut out a round of a sturdy material the size of theinterior of the hoop to use as backing, find the focal point of thefabric you want to display, attach it to the backing and put itinto the hoop.Canvas ArtYou can also use stretcher canvas as your backing. It is readilyavailable at art and craft stores in a variety of sizes. Cut thefabric with a few inches allowance and secure it neatly on the backwith a staple gun. Instant wall decor!Bulletin BoardIf you have an old cork board left standing unused, dress it upwith your favorite curtain fabric pattern to make it moreattractive. Carefully and tightly tack (or staple) the fabric tothe back and you are ready to pin photos, notes and your kids'artwork. It is also a wonderful place to post menus and shoppinglists.
Wall Stickers Design Ideas 1.1
Rylai Crestfall
Having desire of decorating the house iscommon and a genuine wish of the people and transforming it intorealism is a continuous process. There are several ways to adorn orbeautify your house. Wall stickers are the best one in terms ofquality and cost. It is a perfect blend of low cost and itsusefulness. The biggest and most attractive features of these wallstickers are that you can remove them from one place and stick itto other place effortlessly. It is a boon for the renters who arenot permitted to paint the walls of their rooms as per theirpreferences. Currently, the market is flooded with vinyl graphicsthat are more durable and long lasting. In addition to this, walldecals and unique wall clock are the other correlated decorativeitems that can be installed into your house for beautifying.Here are some facts that make it really valuable for decoratingyour house.* Wall stickers and wall decals are the ideal decorativeaccessories as users can place them anywhere in their house withoutany trouble. They come in varieties of design, color and shade tochoose from.* There are numerous wall sticker designs available so you canchoose cartoon design, scenery, or any particular graphics for yoursticker.* You can give a perfect look to your room as per yourrequirements with your required color combination and design.* It is quite safe as it doesn't damage the surface of the wall.It absolutely keeps the wall in pristine condition as well asdecorates it.* Vinyl wall sticker is the best option because of itsdurability and longevity.* These wall stickers are also used in promoting and advertisingthe merchandise in the market. Mostly, organizations place the wallsticker into the stores or other exclusive places to get massiveattention of the visitors.* Most of all, they are affordable and cheap, as compared toother decorative accessories, as well as marketing tool.* It can be used in both the ways, either for decorating ormarketing.* You can choose different design and color scheme of thegraphics for different rooms such as cartoon for children room,scenery embedded sticker for hall room, stars and moon embeddedsticker for bedroom.You need to keep some points in your mind while buying theseaccessories for your home decoration purpose or advertisingpurpose. Initially, determine the purpose for what you are buyingthe wall sticker. Next, choose an authentic place to buy affordableand high standard sticker. Prepare the list of your preferences inadvance so you could easily and instantly select the right one.The benefits are impressive, easy to put up, easy to take down,easy to alter, no need to wear protective clothing, no mess, nofuss etc etc. But as with all truly impressive creations, it is theopportunity to go off-piste and experiment with different contextsthat enable the wall sticker to truly shine. For it is not just onwalls that stickers can stick. Oh no! Application is possible onany smooth surface you care to think of and this opens up myriadopportunities for home improvement and the only limit is yourimagination.If we remember that the technology for wall stickers originatedin the world of sign making; consider where we have seen thattechnology applied outside the domestic sphere. Look at what theydo in shops. Sales are announced with stickers on windows. You canapply wall stickers to your windows - a butterfly, a dandelion -they work inside and out and from both sides. Certain wall stickersare designed to frame a rectangular area with tendril likedelicacy, perfect for a window where light is still needed topenetrate.In the commercial world you will often see stickers on shopfittings - a very smooth way of imparting ever changing informationabout products. In your home an adaption of the same idea can makeupdating the look of a kitchen a much simpler and non-invasiveprocedure than replacing cupboard doors.
Office Design Ideas 1.1
Rylai Crestfall
Times are changing and these changes arereflected in the current trends in office design. Designers have tochange their thinking away from traditional office designs andtowards current trend. Office designers are seeing the followingchanges in the office environment:1. Businesses are thinking more consciously about renewableresources and recycled furniture2. They are becoming more collaborated3. Offices are being used as a branding tool4. The creation of offices with employees in mind has becomecrucial in employee retention rates5. Hoteling/Moteling is much more popularOffice designers have noticed that societies environmentalconsciousness has transferred into our offices in a number of ways.Owners and managers know that energy costs are rising so there is aneed to look for alternative energy sources. They have also seen anincrease in the purchase and use of recycled furniture, which is acheaper and more environmentally friendly way of furnishing theiroffice.Office collaboration means that offices are becoming more openplan with less offices and more cubicles or partitions. This typeof office design means that space is being used to its maximumability and owners are getting more for their money. It is usefulin offices where there is a lot of team work as it brings peopletogether. Office designers have seen the rise in popularity inpartitioning which is a large element in the creation of officecollaboration.Office designers have also seen an increase in the number ofcompanies who are now using their offices as a branding tool. Therising costs of everything have seen the need for businesses tolook inwards for cost savings. Designers have seen an increase inbusinesses portraying themselves through creative, professionaloffice designs. They send a message to visitors that reflect theirbusiness.Employees are vital to the success of a business and managersand owners know that employee retention is a positive aspect of anybusiness. Designers today are being asked more than ever toincorporate employee friendly designs into their workplace designs.This includes social areas, meditation/prayer rooms, games rooms,etc. Businesses are realizing that employee retention ratesincrease if people like where they work and feel appreciated.Hoteling and Moteling is one of the latest design trends and aredesigned to cater to traveling employees who are not in the officefull time. Hoteling and moteling allows these employees to reserveoffice space on an as needed basis. Designers have seen a hugeincrease in this type of office design and shows that businessesare accommodating all employees whilst reducing their additionaloffice rental costs, as fewer offices are needed.Updating an office fitout or provisioning a completely newoffice design is often both difficult and costly. We discuss withinthis article rudimentary design tips & expertise from thedesign & fitout industry that might assist in choosing anapproach that induces the effective delivery of an office fitoutproject in accordance with agreed duration and budget demands:Planning - possibly the most crucial task of any successfuloffice design & fitout project. Don't hesitate to set asideenough time on planning as the more insight available, the lesstime will be wasted during more time & cost critical stages. Ahighly detailed understanding about your businesses current andforecasted staff demands, offices versus workstationsconfigurations, as well as other needs including office receptionareas, storeroom areas, conference & collaboration spaces, willhelp you vet would-be office space tenancies and receive design& fitout quotations in a considerably reduced timeframe, whilegiving you more control of your project;
Home Landscaping Design Ideas 1.1
Rylai Crestfall
Landscaping truly adds value to any and everyhome. With beauty enhanced, you can be sure that your home is onethat receives a huge number of compliments. Your home is yourprized possession and can be transformed beautifully into a dreamhome, all you need is some time and creativity. Home landscapedesigns and ideas are so many. You could decide to follow the paththat suits you best. You have a world of option and the best partis that you need not stick to any laid down rules.Your home is a reflection of your personality and thus, the homelandscape designs & ideas would strictly be one that displaysyour interests, likes and dislikes. You are the boss and can decideevery little detail regarding how your home must look as youwish.The home landscape designs and ideas must first and foremost beput down on paper. The designs need attention to detail and it isbest to start after careful consideration of all the relatedaspects. Landscaping can turn out to be a very expensive exerciseand also not provide the desired results if it is not carried outappropriately. Home landscape designs & ideas must be plannedin such a way that it takes care of not only the aesthetics butalso comfort, convenience and practicality. The work done must besuch that is easy to maintain. Good maintenance would only keepyour home beautiful forever and thus, ease of maintenance is animportant area that must be paid attention to. Thus, functionalityor practicality plays an important role in any design and must betaken care of appropriately.There are several ideas to add beauty to the front and backyard.You could have a beautiful garden with lovely plants of differentcolors, sizes and shapes. Use of sculptures and other beautifulartifacts too can further enhance the beauty of your garden.Lighting in the garden is another important area that needsattention. Lighting done aesthetically can actually bring aliveyour home and make it one that is truly admirable. Light fixturesof different kinds are available today and thus, allows you toexperiment and choose the ones that suit your need best. Water isan important aspect of landscaping that symbolizes peace. You couldthus, decide to include a fountain, a small pond or any other waterbody. Creating a nice and comfortable sitting space would provideyou just what you need to relax with family and friends.Home landscape designs and ideas is just what you need to add tothe beauty and value of your home. With books and so muchinformation available online you could embark on your dream projectall by yourself. Work your way to a happy and beautiful home.The interest of creating a beautiful landscape garden in frontof your house enhance the look of your house. So you can collectall the creative data fromHome landscape design is easier than you think; you don't needto hire a professional landscape designer to help you. Whether youare starting from scratch or redoing a landscape, here are somesimple things to remember when planning your home landscapedesign:1. The most important first step to successful home landscapedesign is to have a base plan. Base plans should include twothings: the current landscape design, including all the trees,shrubs, measurements, any existing walks or terraces and features;and the new landscape design.When planning the new landscape, it is important to consider howmuch natural light enters the area at three different times of day:early in the morning, at high noon, and in the afternoon. Theamount of natural light in these areas should help you determinewhat kind of plants to purchase for those areas. It should alsoindicate where you would want shade, and what types of soil areavailable.
Home Wallpaper Design Ideas 1.1
Rylai Crestfall
Believe it or not, wallpaper in the home hasbeen making a major comeback. Wallpaper was once a hot commodity -back in the 60s and 70s - but became less popular in the 80s and90s. It wasn't until recently that homeowners and interiordecorators started to recognize the value of wallpaper once again -and that is largely because it has come a long way over the past 50years or so. In fact, it is nothing like the wallpaper you rememberhanging on the walls in your grandma's house. Today's homewallpaper is chic, trendy, vibrant, and a great addition to anyhome.Where to Use Home WallpaperWallpaper can be used in any room of your home. In fact, in awell-designed home décor, you will use a variety of different walltreatments. This includes using a variety of different paints andwallpapers throughout the home. By varying the wall treatments, youcan create more interest in your design while giving the space morepersonality.Wallpaper is particularly useful when trying to create amasculine look, such as in a den. Plaid wallpaper or types with apaisley design, for example, creates a rich, masculine look andprovides a level of depth and dimension that cannot be achievedwith flat paint.Using Wallpaper in Your DécorNot only do today's wallpaper designs look amazing, wallpaper isalso very easy to use. While the traditional glue-and-pastewallpaper is still an option, there are new designs that make iteven easier to cover your walls with stylish designs. In fact, youcan get wallpaper that simply peels on and off the wall asneeded.Light Colored WallpaperMany of the rules that apply to paint and how it affects theappearance of a room also apply to wallpaper. Light colors willmake a room seem larger than it is while dark colors will make aroom feel smaller. If you paint a room in light color and keep yourfurnishings light, the walls will actually appear to recede and thespace opens up visually. The same applies to wallpaper. Chooselight pastels or neutral colors to visually expand the size of aroom.Take Care with PatternsWhen you are trying to increase the size of a room visually, usingwallpaper devoid of pattern is usually the best way to go, becausepatterns can visually shrink a room. If your wallpaper has a verylarge pattern in it, you can overpower a space with the pattern andactually make the room feel much smaller than it is. If you aregoing to include pattern on your wallpaper, a good option is to usea medium to small pattern that has little color contrast; this willkeep the visual space open. Either a tone on tone pattern or apastel on cream background will work.Where pattern works particularly well is when your room is outof proportion. For example, if you have a narrow room, you can addhorizontal stripes to the wall to make it feel wider than it is orvertical stripes to make a room seem taller. If you do not need tochange the shape of your walls and you are considering a pattern tosimply add interest to the walls, you may want to use texturedwallpaper.Add a Little ShineYou can also make a room look larger by reflecting light around theroom, and one really effective way to do this is with wallpaperthat has a little shimmer in its finish. By coupling shimmer withtexture, you can add interest to the walls while still visuallyexpanding the size of the space.Wallpapering a Single WallAnother really lively way to use wallpaper in a smaller room is touse wallpaper on a single wall in the room and paint the remainingwalls a pale, coordinating tone. Adding wallpaper to a single wallwill make that wall a focal point in your room, so if you add it tothe wall at the far end of the room, it will pull your eye throughthe space and make it seem longer.
Interior Inspiration Designs 1.1
Rylai Crestfall
Beginning interior design is a challenging,exciting adventure that one must be willing to endure sacrificesand even at times costly mistakes in order to complete thislearning successfully.If interior design is an activity that you are thinking about asa potential career, you owe it to yourself to invest the properamount of time and energy into educating yourself in the field ofcreative design. If you are interested in learning about creativedesign for other reasons, such as designing your own space or home,it is better that you focus your attention on the particular areaof design that is pleasing to you.This being said, if you have the time and energy and would liketo learn more about overall designing, then hey, go for it! Youmight become so good at it that it might be a potential career foryou as well!In any case, beginning interior design is not for the 'curious'entrepreneur who does not possess the patience to learn theessential elements and makeup of nicely formed design. It isinstead, an employment that is mainly composed of educated,prestigious professionals who care greatly about their work and arepassionate with their creativity.A good starting point for beginning interior design is theobject of much controversy in the industry. Many professionals moanand groan that there are too many ill-qualified persons out thererepresenting themselves to the consumer as legitimate designerswhen they do not have a formal education in the subject.I agree that many people represent themselves as having a graspor an understanding of the field, while they are clearlyincompetent. However, I do not agree that formal education shapesand molds the best designers. The best designers possess theability to design before they are even able to understand theconcept of interior design.Beginning interior design for these candidates is basicallygiving them the tools to do what they naturally understand how todo already. These people are blessed with an internal sense ofcreative design. Beginning interior design to them is a naturalprocess. These are the designers that seem to outperform andoutshine all other designers.If you feel as if you are not part of this group of giftedindividuals and still have a yearning or driving force to learnabout this growing industry, then beginning interior design is avery doable activity as long as you are open minded and dedicatedto improving your knowledge and understanding of design.Begin with the basics and propel yourself upwards on the journeyto understanding the creative process.A very bad reason for beginning interior design are moneyrelated motivations. I have heard countless people comment on theirinterest in interior design due to the income potential associatedwith the industry.Remember, if you're not good at something, the likelihood ofgetting paid well to do it is not very high. The higher salaries inthis business are almost always associated with talented,well-established designers who have made interior design theirlife's work. Talent and knowledge are keys to success in anyindustry and one should apply these rules when considering interiordesign as an income earning activity.Interior designers come in many forms, backgrounds, andexperience levels. Hard work, dedication, and creativity are valuesthat you will find in any successful interior designer. Keep thisin mind when beginning interior design work of any kind and it willaid in your ability. Work of any kind is exactly asdescribed...work. Finding something that you enjoy and love to dois what makes work rewarding.Many people think that a beautiful home must be big and withlots of space to accommodate several rooms and differentappliances, furniture, and fixtures. But little do they know that aluxury and elegant home need not be a mansion. If you want to livein a beautiful and stylish home, all you need is a littlecreativity and lots of interior design ideas.
Earrings Design Ideas 1.1
Rylai Crestfall
A lot of women wear earrings everyday. This iswhy it's really important to change up the earrings that you dowear so that you get your own unique look. This allows you to wearthe same jewelry that everyone else is but still add color and lifeto your wardrobe. Here are a few of the different overviews andbasic materials that you may find.Try going for a feminine look. This is perfect if you'd likesewing projects or you just enjoy shopping at craft sites. Youdon't have to make jewelry anymore to get handmade jewelry.Instead, you can just pay a little bit more money. Some sellers mayeven offer to give you your choice of material colors and can befeminine and do all the work for you. This allows you to get acustom look without spending a lot of money and you won't even haveto do the work. Usually designing the jewelry is the really funpart and you won't have the frustration of making the jewelry. Youcan find pieces with different bits of lace, ruffles, fabricflowers, ribbons, and buttons or even pieces of costume jewelry.This gives you a chance to have a trendy and feminine look to youroutfit and that's okay that the materials won't last foreverbecause the style probably won't either.All earrings designs are not equal. You might think that plaingold or silver earrings are boring. You can really get the most outof your money to just by going with a unique design whenever youchoose a very traditional color or material. For instance, youmight be able to find large oval earrings that have a lot ofdifferent gold threads running around them for almost a sculpturalelement which will be a one-of-a-kind piece of art. This will alsolook modern or contemporary and really make large statements.Another area where you can really have fun is by going with anatural feel. Right now there seems to be kind of an organic look.You'll find a lot of jewelry made out of leather, wood pieces orgem nuggets. This gives a funky and almost rock star feeling. Youcan see this kind of jewelry on a lot of celebrities. You couldeven just change up the classic pearl earrings by going with shellearrings. This will bring in a rainbow of colors and be a littlebit of different than what most other women are wearing and stillhave a little bit of a traditional feeling to it.Traditionally, earrings are usually worn by women but if it isany indication, even men have found ways of fitting earringstowards their body today. Awkward as it may seem, earrings havebecome a unisex accessory that is no longer exclusive for womentoday.So earrings have been tagged with a feminine tag, making it anecessity to complete the overall wardrobe of women today. Earringsdepend largely on design. Some come in different shapes and sizesand would usually be complemented with add-ons in the form ofdiamonds, pearls and rubies. All earrings are designed to satisfyall a person's needs and they would usually be paired with otherbody accessories that include bracelets and necklaces. Packagedjewelry is usually preferred by women who want to wear somethinguniform when attending functions and special gatherings oroccasions.Overall projection and appearance is something that people arequite particular about. It is no longer just wardrobes and bodilyparaphernalia that can provide the image that a person wants. Awoman without earrings is like a person that has forgottensomething to wear. This has been the impression that people wouldimmediately have when they would see a woman not wearingearrings.Thanks to the new type of fashion that famous celebrities haveinstilled in the minds of people, even the males have gotten intothe act of wearing earrings. But earrings worn by men are not toemphasize that they have a feminine attribute but rather an imagewhere they are seen to have their own personality oraffiliations.
Coffee Tables Model Designs 1.1
Rylai Crestfall
Choosing a coffee table can be maddening.Prices can be so distorted as to be laughable. When you do find atable at a great price it is too often of poor quality. The lowconsole table has been a feature of lounge furniture for manyyears, and the practical nature of this classic design cannot bedenied, but in today's fashions, not just any low console will do.You want a table that coordinates well with your decor, that makesa statement worthy of the center of the room, and that will hold upto the abuse of daily use.The primary purpose of a coffee table is to provide space formagazines or books, to provide a space to set drinks and to providea 'workspace' in the center of the lounge. These practicalconsiderations are what have made this table a staple furnitureitem in houses across the world. You need a table that will cleaneasily if there are spills, help keep your lounge organized, wearwell and not get spots or rings from liquids and not be easilyscratched or dented - in short you want it to last. But you alsowant it to look great.You put a lot of thought into your lounge - choosing andarranging the furniture carefully to give maximum comfort andfunctionality for your family while still looking great forcompany. Although you want your coffee table to be practical andsturdy you want it to mesh well with your existing pieces and tocarry forward the design aesthetic of the room. Luckily moderndesigners have rediscovered the joy of the console table and arecreating a host of tables that combine practicality with cuttingedge design. Now all you have to think about is how big you wantthe table to be and exactly where you will place it.In years past you would have had to choose between a practicaland sturdy coffee table and a design showpiece that would lookgreat in the room but be unable to withstand the rigorous of dailyliving. Thanks to a host of modern designers this is no longernecessary. Now you can have practical durability and sleek designsensibility all in the same table. No more need for compromise.A coffee table is a vital piece when located within a livingroom, den, or family room setting. It is the playing field, thesurface across which all interaction takes place. They tend tostand out, dominating an environment, while also defining it.Seating, entertainment settings, and all other aspects of the roommust by nature fit in around this central piece, and so it isimportant that you choose wisely when making a selection.The first thing you should consider is the size of the spacerelative to the size of the table. You want to ensure that whereveryou put the piece, there is plenty of room to make your way aroundit. On the other hand, if you surround the table with couches, youdon't want the seats to be so far apart that people have to shoutat one another to communicate.Leaving about two to feat of walking space around a coffee tableis generally a good rule of thumb. That ensures that you haveplenty of room for the environment to flow naturally, while notisolating the piece in the center of a void.Another consideration is whether you want a round, square, orrectangular piece for the room. Round tables generally take up lessspace, since they don't have corners. They also flow better withsoft rooms, consisting of a lot of oval shaped pieces. This isoften associated with more classical designs.The strategic benefit of a square or rectangular table is thatit can be butted into a corner to create space. However this oftenresults in the focus of the room butting into dead space, and soshould often be avoided. Instead use square and rectangularcocktail tables to flow naturally with straight lines and boxycontemporary pieces.Finding the perfect coffee table should be a process. Youshouldn't necessarily jump into anything, but should instead takeyour time and weigh your options.
Flower Arrangement Project 1.1
Rylai Crestfall
One gets relaxed and rewarded when your hobbyis flower arrangement. The artistic flower design beautifies anysurrounding or any room, event or party to be specific at the sametime.There are people who just loved flowers so much, it may bebrought from florist or picked from your garden. What comes next isflower arranging, designing your flowers is a simple task. Ifyou're an expert and used to cut flower arrangement, you are quitefamiliar with the do's and don'ts. It is but natural that the firstthing that you will prepare a water vase, one of the techniques toprolong the life of your cut flowers is to put a little bleach onthe water. You may spread the cut flowers in a clean surface andseparate them by sizes.The following are the basic kinds of flower arrangement:There is the main attraction or part of an artistic display.There are known as Ornamental flowers, example of these is flowerslike roses, daisies, roses or any varieties you use.The greenery that use is called the Follage, it works as abackdrop for your flowers.The traditional or old baby's breath or other kind of flower arecalled Fillers. This fills an empty spots or areas in your flowerdisplay.To get a beautiful flower design or an arrangement, you don'tneed to show all of these three. The most important here is thatyour design has ornamental flowers; you will still get a terrificand an artistic flower arrangement.You may start by placing your foliage that you will use in awater vase. You have to make sure that you keep it around the lipsor edges. Stick with the plan to place them the lips or edges ofyour water vase with a layer of your Foliage. When it is too big ortoo thick, it ends up detracting from your cut flowers. And if itis small or too thin, visual contrast will not show.Place your ornamental cut flowers into your water vase, makesure that you put it one by one. If it's going to be a design orfloral arrangement against a wall or flat surface you have to putthe tallest or longest cut flowers at the back. If your design orflower arrangement will be visible from the sides place yourlongest or tallest flowers in the middle. Begin with the longest orthe tallest, and then go out to the lips or edge of your flowercontainer. Now, take time to look at your flower vase, is itbeautiful and pleasing to see? Did it turn out to be symmetrical?Is there a spot or an area that needed to be filled in with moreflowers?You have all the time to rearrange or polish your flowerarrangement. The flower design should look beautiful and artisticenough before you place your filler, when the filler is alreadyplaced, it would be harder to move your things around the area orplace. Bear in mind that The filler are very fragile.When you are satisfied with your flower arrangement, you may puta few sprays of your filler on design or arrangement. It shouldalways be balanced the style of your arrangement. You want it to besimple and elegant. You may stand back and view your flowerarrangement from every angle and side. Do you like what you see?Does it look good?To preserve your artistic flower arrangement be sure to keepyour vase three fourth full of water. Do not put cold water whenyou replace the water, always use warm water. And when your watervase begins to become cloudy or you can smell a foul odor, you havean option to replace the water or put a little bleach. Make sure toclean your flower vase evenly between uses, you can also soak it inwater with a little bleach to disinfect it. You can always do thisbefore you use your flower vase.Flower arranging today is more than merely putting together abunch of bright beautiful flowers in a pretty vase. Much thoughtgoes into the art of each professionally designed bouquet.The artistic nature of flower arrangement means that no strictrules need to be followed by designers, but there are three verydistinct styles into which arrangements can be categorised.
Seat Design Ideas 1.0
Rylai Crestfall
The car industry is under pressure to make and sell qualityproductsamidst the economic slowdown of the global credit crunchand theincreasing awareness of green issues. One important factorinachieving this is to manufacture cars with high safety ratingsthatwill protect both the passengers and the driver in the eventof acrash.Often this means strengthening the side walls, and crumplezone,as well as fitting good quality air bags and ABS brakingsystems.However improving seat design can also have a big effect onthesafety of the vehicle. Whiplash is a very common injurysustainedin car accidents and can have long lasting negative healtheffects.Cars that help to reduce whiplash injuries will beproviding theirusers with a very valuable attribute.Car manufactures are aware of the importance of seat designandare asking their suppliers to provide them with morecomfortable,safer and long lasting designs which will help boostthe carsappeal. On top of this customers are making more demandssuch as,in-seat heating and cooling systems as well as an appealinglook.This adds up to quite a long list of requirements, especiallywhenyou add on factors that ergonomics professionals deem tobeimportant for supporting drivers and passengers whilst they areintheir vehicles. Over the last ten years car seat designershavespent a lot of time trying to perfect the car seat but havebeenforced to take into account a number of external factors suchasraw material and fuel prices and the impact of worldmarketglobalization. In the present day keeping the car as lightaspossible has a large benefit for fuel economy, which means thattheseat design also has to factor this in.However one of the most important factors of all is how welltheseats respond under stress. There is no point indesigninglightweight, good looking, economically, financiallydesigned seatsif they fail to offer any protection in the event ofan accident.One quarter of all personal injuries sustained in a carcrash arecaused by people driving into the back of one another. Allthoughrear ending accidents do not often result in death they canresultin other serious injuries. Of these serious injuries,researchshows that whiplash is reported in 30-40 percent of caraccidentclaims.One of the biggest ways to reduce this figure is to designseatsthat have adequate head rest facilities. In America a newmandatehas recently been introduced with the aim of improvingheadrestraint design, and reducing the effects of whiplash injuriesinlow speed accidents. This will add another thing onto the listthatdesigners need to consider, but if it helps protect those whousecars against the potentially devastating effects of awhiplashaccident it will be very beneficial. Overall the aim oftheindustry is to make safer cars as they will appeal more tothosepurchasing them and ultimately make the roads a safer placetobe.There are two basic seating designs for double strollers:thetandem (one behind the other) and the side-by-side type ofdoublestroller. Each type of stroller has its own advantagesanddisadvantages, to know which type suits for your babies andyourlifestyle, read this article and assess yourself foryourconvenience and for your babies' comfort.What Are Your Lifestyle Needs With Twins or Two Children CloseinAge?These two types of double strollers are very unique anddifferentfrom each other, thus, it is very important for you toassess yourself and know what is important for your lifestyle,your comfort,your needs, your babies' needs and your babies'comfort inpurchasing a twin stroller for them and most especially,think ofwhat would you be like once you have two babies of sameage or twinsto plan things accordingly.
Linens Design Ideas 1.1
Rylai Crestfall
The word linen has its origin from a genericword 'linium'. One of the world's oldest fabrics, linen ismanufactured from the fibres of the flax plant, which is acompletely natural resource. Linen as a textile has a history thatgoes back many thousands of years. Fragments of straw, seeds,fibres, yarn, and fabric some 8000 B.C.E. ago have been found inSwiss lake dwellings. Plutarch writes about the reason behind theuse of the flax plant; having blue coloured flowers, in the makingof the cloth by Egyptians, meant that "the universe itself issurrounded with the ethereal blue of the sky."Linen is an excellent filter and it protects against chemicallyreactive mediums. It greatly reduces the gamma radiations almost tohalf, resulting in the protection of human beings against solarradiations. Linen is extremely hygroscopic, as it is capable toquickly absorb and give up moisture. Before giving 'wet' feeling,linen cloth can absorb as much as 20% of its dry weight.It is medically proven that linen lessens bacteriologicalproperties. As it is resistant to fungus and bacteria, it is foundto be an effective barrier to some diseases. It is also effectivein the treatment of allergies, and helps in inflammatory conditionsand in the treatment of some neurological diseases. According tomedical studies, it helps to get rid of several skin diseases, frombedsores and ordinary rashes to chronic eczema.Linen possesses high air permeability and heat conductivityproperties. Linen cloth does not accumulate static electricity. Itconducts heat five times more than wool and nineteen times morethan silk. In hot weather, it is found to reduce the skintemperature three degrees Celsius more than other fabrics.According to some studies, it effectively reduces the perspirationrate of a person 1.5 times more than cotton clothes, and twice morethan viscose clothes. Meanwhile, in cold weather, linen worksinversely and retains warmth perfectly.In ancient Egypt, linen was used as currency. Due to thestrength of linen, paper made of it is generally very strong; dueto this reason the United States and many other countries use 25%linen in their currency.Linen is composed of flax, thus possesses the quality of beingresistant to rot. Mummies of Egyptian Pharaohs preserved to thepresent day are wrapped in the finest linen shrouds, found inPyramids dating back to more than 5,000 B.C. Moreover, Egyptianpriests wore linen, which symbolised purity and truth.Another important fact associated with linen is that one of themost renowned manuscripts, 'The Linen Book' by ancient Etruscans,was written on linen in the 7th century B.C. Moreover, LiberLinteus is the only surviving book made from linen.Linen fabric is one of the preferred conventional supports foroil paintings. In Europe it is the only fabric support available inart shops. Linen is preferred to cotton for its strength, which is2 to 3 times more than cotton, durability and archival integrity.In ancient times, it was also used as canvas in painting.Nothing changes the look of a bedroom, dining room, or even abathroom faster than a fresh set of linens. These have becomepopular components of any home decorating project because they arefun and easy to mix and match to give the entire home a differentlook.Today, there are lots of designs for linens that can becoordinated with other home decor. Many designers have createdtheir own design lines that mix floral with geometrics and stripes,which is why a lot of homeowners nowadays are enticed to have onedesign for their bathroom, dining room, and bathroom.How to Choose Quality LinensWith the many options available for linens today, findinghigh-quality linens can be a daunting task. However, there is onebig factor that can help you when choosing quality linens: thethread count of the fabric.
Linens Inspiration Designs 1.1
Rylai Crestfall
Fashion designers have declared that therecould not be any other material to exhibit than linen. The greatestproblem with linen is that it became out of fashion as a wearingfabric; people almost forgot it without knowing its qualities. Inanother way, the word linen was only limited to make bedclothes orfor the purpose of furnishing.Linen is the fibre of flax plant. It has the natural wax contentof the flax plant. There is a long-lasting shine in dresses whichare made from linen. Though linen is difficult to iron but itcompares well with cotton. Linen shirts can be hand-washed, withoutcausing any harm to the fibre. It is ideal for those areas wherethere is excess of hot climatic conditions. It is also ideal formaking summer garments.For summer, there is nothing to match the cool, icy sensation oflinen, when it comes into contact with skin. When you wear linensuits or dresses, the first impression is that of casualness. But,if a formal occasion is coming up, same linen dress can be wornwithout any hesitation. Linen is a user-friendly fabric, mainly dueto its moisture absorbing ability; it is soft and flexible bynature.Some fashion designers opine that, unlike other fibre materials,the beauty of linen lies in its unique quality to crush. Theoutcome of crushes rather gives an exclusive look to linen, evenwhen worn formally. Linen wrinkles easily, so avoid stylingconcepts that have creases firmly pressed into them. The clothmills are making linen from colours ranging from creamy white tolight brown; dying linen is easy and does not fade after washing.Presently, trousers, dresses, shirts are being made by linen.Interesting cuts, well-defined edges, frills, hand-painting andmachine work can further highlight the look of the fabric.The variety and uses of linen have gone broader in fashionindustry. It has become daily-wear fabric; it has come a long waywith cotton-mix, poly-mix and laycra blend. Linen is, no doubt,ruling the market. Another distinct quality of linen is thatdresses made out of it blend very well with accessories of othermaterials. The different types of linen available in the marketfurther broaden the chances of experimentation.Fashion designers usually prefer Egyptian, Japanese and thewrinkle-free poly- mixed Egyptian linen. Irish linen is prized forits fine white colour as it is the colour of summer. Scottish linenis lighter in colour than Irish linen, but it is an extraordinarysummer choice. French linen is differentiated by fine designs,ranks high on the summer calendars. All mentioned types of linenare ideal for uppers and trousers as well.Linen is still not the favourite fabric of every designer whenit comes to detailing, but even then it is in fashion; it is notlagging behind. Long skirts, coats and dresses with delicateembroidery and thread work look best on linen. Heavy embroidery andbeadwork take away natural charm of linen.When it comes to colours, beige and white are the best choicesfor linen dresses. Orange, tangerine and fuchsia are also used byfashion experts to make a personalized statement. Another aspect ofthis fabric is that it has somehow still maintained itself as asymbol of style, elegance and comfort. If you want to exhibittrendy casuals, exclusive party wears or cultural wears, linenensures your individuality.Thread count is defined as the number of horizontal and verticalthreads in one square inch of fabric. The higher the number ofthreads per square inch of fabric the better since this will makefor a softer and smoother finished product.In addition, high thread count sheets are also more durable thanlow thread count sheets. These can last up to twenty years comparedto low thread count sheets that easily wear and tire with everydayuse and washing.
Birthday Tart Inspiration 1.1
Rylai Crestfall
The birthday cake is paraded into the room,lighted up with candles, and serenaded with the strains of "HappyBirthday to You". This moment is a party highlight, the signatureevent of many a birthday. If you are organizing a birthday party,selecting the cake will be one of the most important tasks on yourlist. Gathering ideas and knowing about current trends will be agood place to start, whether you are going to hire a customdesigner or purchase one over-the-counter.Unique Birthday Cake DesignsThe standard flowered birthday cake, inscribed with "HappyBirthday Jack!" or "Happy 60th Gwen" will always be acceptable,especially if it is made with attractive colors and favoriteflavors. However decorators can offer more personal and imaginativedesigns. Four formats are often seen these days. Consider one ofthese for your next celebration:A theme tableau created out of icing and non-ediblefigurines-for example, for a hockey fan, the surface depicts ahockey rink, complete with hockey players and hockey net.A cake made in a molded pan shaped like a flower, heart, MickeyMouse head, or other popular shape.A three-dimensional sculpture-for example, the cake is a train; ora princess, made with a Barbie doll in an ornately decorated cakegown.Multi-cakes tiered vertically or in a lopsided whimsical way-forexample, a stack of multi-colored, fondant-wrapped gift boxes, withcolorful ribbons and other decorations.Kids Birthday CakesPlanning a child's party and wanting to serve a thrilling cakethat she or he remembers for years to come? Order a design thatreflects hobbies, favorite toys, pets, fantasy figures, or cartooncharacters. Here are some ideas:A puppy shape;A jungle scene with jungle vegetation and animals, such as monkeys,giraffes, and tigers;A tableau based on a favorite TV show, such as Sesame Street,featuring figurines for Bert, Ernie, and the Cookie Monster.Birthday cake toppers can double up as party favors. With a SesameStreet design, each child can take home a Sesame Streetfigurine;A crown decorated with jewels;A football or ballet slippers to reflect the child'sinterests.As you can see, the possibilities are endless. The only "problem"is that your child may never again be satisfied with an''ordinary'' cake after having had a theme design.Adult Birthday CakesAdults enjoy imaginative cakes as well. While children oftenwill be happy with chocolate, vanilla, or marble flavors, adultswill be attracted to variations such as:Mocha,Lemon,Carrot,Red velvet,Strawberry, orStrawberry shortcake.Fillings can also have different flavors, such as cherry, chocolatemousse, traditional butter cream, raspberry gel, cream cheeseicing, and lemon. Some people are particular about flavors so youwill want to be sure that the selected ones will be appreciated bythe guest of honor.Many adults will be quite happy if you don't display their age.An advantage of tableaus and sculptures is that numbers don't needto be displayed. On the other hand, it is possible and sometimesdesirable to record a special year such as 30, 50, or 65. Thespecial number can be part of the trim garland instead of on top ofthe cake.Adults enjoy sculptures and cake top pictures. For example,birthday cake decorations for adults could be:A farm scene with fields, sky, and toppers for farmer and farmequipment;A cake shaped like a music symbol such as a guitar, treble clef, ordrum set; or a stage tableau with a figurine of a favorite musicstar; orA hobby theme reflecting a favorite sport or pastime, such as ananimal sculpture for a pet lover or a tool box for a handyperson.How to Find More Birthday Cake IdeasTo research further in your quest to develop the best birthdaycake design, you can:Look for pictures posted on the internet by professional andamateur bakers,Browse current magazines and books,Visit a few bakery counters to view cakes on display,
Easter Unique Ideas 1.1
Rylai Crestfall
Although jelly beans and chocolate eggs arealways popular with the kids, parents may want to include some notso sugary alternatives. Think of their Easter basket as sort of an"Easter stocking" instead.TOYSToys are always a hit with kids. From Yo-Yo's and "Slinkies" topopular action figures like Barbie dolls and Power Rangers,including toys make a unique Easter basket idea that is sure todelight your child. You can also go with plush toys like fuzzyEaster chicks or soft and cuddly Easter bunnies. Keep your child'sage and gender in mind as you consider what to include, as everytoy is not suitable for every child.BOOKSIt has been said that reading to your child brings many benefitsto your child's development. An Easter themed story book is notonly a more healthy Easter basket idea, but you now have a greatchance to spend some quality time with your child as you bothsettle down and enjoy a good story book.DVD's and CD'sImagine your child's surprise when they see that the Easterbunny even gives out movies! They don't necessarily have to beEaster themed. How excited your child will be when they see a DVDof their favorite character in their Easter basket. Including afavorite CD for them to enjoy is equally pleasing. They can singalong to their favorite songs as they enjoy their new toy or huntfor Easter eggs.CRAYONS AND COLORING BOOKSA timeless but ever so popular choice, a brand new box ofcrayons with a fresh Easter coloring book is always a hit.HEALTHIER SWEET TREATSThere are other sweet snacks that make great Easter baskettreats. Most kids love fruit roll ups which, depending on thebrand, are much healthier than candy. How about raisins? Even ifyou choose chocolate covered raisins, there is still a healthbenefit to your child snacking on a handful of fruit instead of ahandful of sugar loaded candy.Make some Easter cookies. Mom always says homemade is best! Yes,cookies contain sugar, but if you've made them yourself they won'tbe loaded with preservatives and dyes like store bought cookiesare. Of course, since they're homemade they'll taste bettertoo!MONEYDepending on your child's age, money is a great Easter basketidea. Get some of the new dollar coins that are now beingcirculated. Their shiny appeal will bring a wide smile to yourchild's face. Giving them a few dollars to spend is a greatopportunity to start teaching them how to manage money wisely; lifelong habits start early!Give your child healthy alternatives to conventional Easterbasket candy and keep them just as happy without the worry of toomuch sugar. A great book, movie or CD gives you a wonderful chanceto spend quality time with your child. Some bright and shiny dollarcoins are your opportunity to teach your child all about managingmoney wisely. Toys, crayons and coloring books are a great choicefor unique Easter basket ideas. Your child will have long lastingEaster basket goodies and you won't have to worry about all thatsugar they're eating.Are you planning fun Easter baskets this year but don't have thedough to do big, elaborate baskets? If you want something fun andunique unlike the ordinary store-bought, pre-filled baskets, whynot consider making and stuffing your own baskets with whateveritems you choose? Easter can be fun without spending a lot ofmoney. Here are some cheap Easter basket ideas that you mayconsider for making your Easter baskets this year:Kids coloring basket- take a regular basket (you can pick themup cheaply) and add boxes of crayons, a coloring book and maybepens and pencils.Handmade chocolate basket- Make up some homemade chocolates and addthem to a small decorative basket to give to someone special thisEaster.$1 Basket Items- Go to your local dollar store and pick up somesmall items that make great basket stuffers. You can choose itemsaccording to who you will be giving the basket to.
Bedroom Model Design Ideas 1.1
Rylai Crestfall
Gentlemen, when you decide to decorate yourbedroom surely you want to have a stylish and functional designthat also shows your masculine side. Well, read on because we havesome bedroom design ideas for men.Bedroom Design Ideas for MenBelow are three bedroom ideas in three types of design that willdefinitely accentuate masculinity:Traditional Bedroom DesignThe first design is traditional bedroom style. To implement thisdesign, select heavy pieces of furniture that seems aged. It isbest to pick a sleek design with minimal carvings. For the bed,select ones with a high headboard so it looks prominent. Thebedding materials used in traditional design should be made fromtypical menswear fabrics like wool and flannel. To accentuate thisstyle of design, the bedroom windows should be covered with drapesmade from heavy material like chenille or velvet. As for thelighting, it should create a warm and soft impression by using darkcolored lamp shades. Should you choose to display any artwork inthe bedroom, it should be in classical style. The best types ofpaintings to display in traditional bedroom design are landscapeand portraits. Finally, a plush oriental rug would complete thetraditional look in the room.Rustic Bedroom Design Ideas for MenAnother design of the bedroom that give prominence tomasculinity is a rustic style. In this design, the bedroom willmainly contain items made from wood. Therefore, the room can bedecorated to resemble a luxurious ski lodge or a cabin in thewoods. In rustic style, the furniture should be made from materialwith a strong natural characteristic, like oak, pine or hickory.Choose a heavy but simple piece of furniture. Select a bed with aslated headboard. In terms of bedding materials, you may choosefrom various materials like cotton, denim, flannel, wool or knit.Rustic style bedroom should also remain simple with color patternsthat comprised of shades of blue, green, brown, khaki and beige.The natural elements should be maintained for the window blinds.Therefore, select wooden blinds with color that match thefurnishings. To create a synergy amongst the bedroom elements, thelighting should also be made from natural elements like wood oriron. It is best if you choose an artwork that displays naturescenes. To complete the rustic look, a geometrical Persian rugwould be a perfect choice.Metro Bedroom StyleThe final bedroom design idea that we would suggest is metrostyle. The highlight in this design is its clean, modern and sleeklook. If this is the style you choose then you will want lowprofile furniture without any ornaments. The best is to choose darkcolor furniture like espresso or black. Platform beds are the bestoption that fits with this design. The color patterns for thisdesign are black, gray and white. For bedding material, it is bestto use white linen. Choose lighting made from glossy materials likeporcelain or glass; alternatively you can also select lighting madefrom bright metals like nickel or chrome. As for the artwork, youmay want to choose an abstract painting or glass statue. Tocomplete the metro style in your bedroom design, throw thick shagon the floor.There you go, three bedroom design ideas for men that willcertainly make your room look modern, stylish, comfortable and atthe same time also radiate the aura of masculinity.Having Fun with LightingLighting is an important consideration in every home improvementproject. Depending upon the type of lighting you select, you canmake your bedroom appear to be larger than it really is. On theother hand, you can also use lighting to help create a certain moodor ambiance in your room design. One of the best ways to accomplishthis is to mix fixed lighting with mood and task lighting in yourbedroom. You can also create more interest in your room bypositioning your lights at various heights.
Winter Clothes Design Ideas 1.1
Rylai Crestfall
Most people prefer winter clothing versussummer clothing. Apart from the weather condition itself thatpeople enjoy, winter clothing is much fashionable than any type ofclothing. It includes sweater, coat and jersey which are made up ofdifferent colors and designs that show individual personalities.In cold countries, people wear and like two types of clothinggarment namely wool and velvet. Coat made of wool can keep you warmin cold season. Wool is a type of garment that can be worn byanyone regardless of the age and gender. There are hundreds ofstyles and designs that can be created out of wool. Velvet is themost popular garment that is used by fashion designers in order tocreate new fashion clothing. It is soft and easy to use forclothing. The best qualities of velvet which differentiate it fromthe rest of the garment are the soft texture and rich appearance.Velvet provides us different colors that can make us appearstylish. Wool and Velvet are indeed designed for cold weatherconditions apart from giving you the fashionable style.Winter can push a child in catching chest problems such aspneumonia due to inappropriate or less quality garments. Due to thesensitivity in seasonal changes, it is important to cover thechildren otherwise they might catch cold to the very least. Thus,it is also important that children are dressed up in comfort asthey often pass their time in playing.One of the perfect types of winter clothing is snow suit. It ismade to provide the body warmth necessary to fight cold weather. Itcreates a warm layer inside which does not allow the cool air topenetrate. A child can remain safe from the cold winter season byusing snow suit. It is best for children of age between 6 months to10 months. Water proof jackets are best for children in order toprevent snowflakes or rain drops. Winter jackets should be wornwith bonnet which keeps the body completely comfortable and warm.By ensuring proper clothing is worn, especially for children, thebody is protected against the harmful elements of the winterseason.Wearing of boots is also a usual thing for us during winterseason. It protects your feet from freezing. Most boots would havea sole that is designed to create friction when you walk on aslippery snowy ground. Winter hand gloves should also be includedon your list of protection against the cold night. Our body'sappendages are susceptible to freezing hence should be covered whenoutside.There are a lot of usual choices in winter clothing. Whateverkeeps you warm should take care of protecting the body. Let usconsider prioritizing health and safety by ensuring that we areproperly dressed for the night. We can make that happen by choosingthe best quality of clothing. Consider it an investment to alwaysgo for safe yet fashionable winter attire. It only happens quarterof the year. Enjoy your winter!Staying warm isn't good enough. You could wear pvc or clothesmade of similar materials to stay warm, but if your skin can'tbreathe, you aren't going to be that comfortable. Especially if youare going to sweat, ice skating, chasing your friends and familywith snowballs or even sightseeing would make you sweat and if yourclothes aren't breathable, they moisture will be trapped betweenyour skin and clothing. Not only will you be sticky anduncomfortable, the damp and cold can leave you chilled.Winter clothing should look great too. Who wants to wear baggyclothes that though warm and comfy, make you look 20 poundsheavier.Your clothing, even your warm winter outerwear should fit yourbody as closely as the layering would allow. The look should besleek. Sharp. The bottom layer should be skin tight, not baggy.Then the layers above that should be as few and fit as well aspossible to reduce bulk.Yeah, baggy clothes look cute if you're built like askeleton.Go for clothes made of warm fabrics so that minimal layering isnecessary.
Baby Room Decoration Design 1.1
Rylai Crestfall
Baby room decor is very important for yourchildren's further development. Baby room decorations are apsychological factor, which helps the little one to feelcomfortable and at home. The baby room décor should pacify thechild's eyes, and should be chosen accordingly to its age. It isthat soothing environment needed for the healthy development ofyour child. You should carefully choose the wallpapers in the babyroom, because they surround your little one and bring differentthoughts and feelings. A baby is as sensible to its surroundings asany other adult. They will be affected by the way their surroundinglooks like. A well-designed baby room décor can be really helpfulin raising your kid.Color is an important factor. You should decorate the room withthe majority of one color. But which one should predominate? Whichis the most appropriate color for babies? Soft, gentle colors canbe the answer. Don't choose too loud and bright colors, becausethey will not sooth the atmosphere. But the baby toys should bebright: because babies really enjoy seeing and playing with brightand shiny things. The walls and the wallpapers should be relaxingthough. Babies would feel stressed if they were put in a brightbaby room decoration, and would have sleep problems, panic attacks,eating deficiency and so on.You should also choose the baby room décor in accordance withthe whole atmosphere of your house. It is up to you to make thebaby room part of your home.The theme of the baby room should be carefully considered. Itmay by floral or animal theme, because babies really like animalsand flowers. Animals are preferable, though, because they are morelively and vivid, and they can make your baby react more activelyat its environment. Choose the animal decorations for thewallpapers, the blanket, the curtains. Animals are fun foreveryone, and moreover, they give the babies something to look atwhile they are lying in their beds or cribs.You can also pick up the night sky theme, which is very relaxingfor a sound sleep. Deep blue is used to decorate the walls andceiling. The pictures of stars and planets can give the baby asense of wonder, and it will like it immensely. Babies can betouched by the wondrous universe, they appreciate the beauty, don'tforget that! A night sky decoration will make your baby a dreamereven from this early age on!Babies are still a mystery that continue to be researched. Thereare various opinions about the baby based on research that has beendone. At the time until the baby is 5 years old, and familyenvironment influenced the development of these infants. The babywill be very sensitive to the image and music or sound. All thiswill affect the child intelligence and personality when the childbecomes an adult. Therefore, room decoration is needed forintelligence and character baby.There are some things that need to be done to decorate the room.Some things which need to think are about the furniture, colors,styles, and motifs geometry. Before it set the theme for the babyroom will be decorated. Then choose the color and style andfurniture that will be selected. There are several themes that canbe selected for the baby room decoration. This theme will determinethe items to be selected. In general, nurseries are associated withthe hanging toys.Decorative themed nursery clocks will produce a very attractiveroom. Color will greatly affect whether the room is for baby boy orbaby girl. In general for the nursery man selected is blue, whilegirls selected for the color pink. Lamp Shades and pillow willadjust with the chosen theme. In addition consideration forfurniture, shelves should not only pull in terms of appearance, butalso must be practical for baby goods. You can also beautify theroom with the baby room to add pictures father and mother with alarge frame and have the same motif as used in the motif the chosentheme. Besides the baby room should also have a baby carriage.
Dog Fashion Ideas 1.1
Rylai Crestfall
For many people, their dog is so much morethan "just a dog". Dogs have become part of our families and formany people they are like children. As such, we want them to alwayslook their cutest! Dog clothing is a great way to make your dog'spersonality shine. When most people think of dog clothes they thinkof sweaters or coats. In other words, many people only think ofusing clothes to keep their pooch warm. But dog clothing is so muchmore than that! It's a way of making sure your pooch stands outfrom the crowd and reflects their personality as well as your own.Here are some fabulous and unique dog clothes ideas that are notonly fashionable for summer but functional as well.1. Dog Tee Shirts and Dog Tank Tops: Not only are dog tee shirtsand tank tops cute, but they are functional for summer as wellbecause they offer sun protection for your pooch without being tooheavy. Another great idea for summer is to wet the tee shirt withcold water to keep your pooch cool. There are countless tee shirtsand tank tops on the market today. So many, in fact, that you willhave no problem at all finding one that compliments your pooch'sindividuality and style. You'll find plain shirts, fancy dogshirts, eco-friendly dog shirts, shirts with funny sayings etc.2. Dog Dresses: For your girly-girl pooch why not try a cutesummer dog dress. Like shirts, they provide sun protection and areusually light and airy. The best place to find cute summer dogdresses is at a designer dog boutique. These specialty shops havethe trendiest of styles and carry dresses that are veryfashionable.3. Dog Swimwear: Believe it or not, most designer dog boutiquescarry dog swimwear. If your pooch is beach bound this summer you'llfind dog bikinis with matching panties as well as boardshorts foryour macho pooch.4. Dog Scarf's: If you're worried about the heat this summer butstill want a way to make your pooch stand out from the crowd, try acute scarf. Also known as a bandanna, this simple dog accessorycomes in a variety of colors, patterns and styles. You'll even findscarf's with cute or funny sayings on them. When it's really hotyou can wet the scarf with cold water to keep your pooch cool. Eventhough this accessory is simple and understated it can stillreflect Fido's personality.5. Dog Life Jacket: If your pooch is planning on doing anyboating this summer, keep him safe with a dog life jacket. Many dogboutiques carry life jackets that are functional as well asfashionable. In other words, you'll find more than just the oldfashioned yellow life jacket.Just because it is summer and the weather is hot doesn't meanthat your pooch can't look his or her absolute best. Dog clothingmeans so much more than just warmth these days. It is a way to letyour pooch's character shine. In addition to that, summer dogclothes can help protect your pooch from the harmful rays of thesun. Make sure that the fabrics you choose are light and loose andif needed wet your dog's clothing to keep them cool during the hotsummer months.Dog fashion collars may be used to get your pet dogs acquaintedto being clothed. And they are also an alternative for dogs whocannot wear clothes. You see, not all dogs will wear clothing. Somemay show resentment, but that can be trained. And some are justplain naughty and will chew on everything around including theclothes you put on them. Lucky for these dogs to be treated andgiven attention like a true family member, at the same time,unlucky for them if they don't want to be dressed-up similar tothat of a human baby.
Library Design Ideas 1.1
Rylai Crestfall
This library was designed by architects Alsopand Störmer and built between 1998 and 2000 but the particularityof this library is both unique and radical. It is in the shape ofan inverted capital letter 'L'.The upper part of this 'L' shaped building is supported by thinsteel pillars that are set at apparently random angles. This servesto give the viewer the impression that the building is 'walking',creating a real sense of movement. Various 'pods' style structuresare home to public meeting rooms, children's areas and thelibrary's Afro-Caribbean section. The windows are arranged in awhat, at first sight, appears to be a haphazard manner. The windowssituated on the upper floors reward the visitor with some wonderfulviews of London.The Library opened to the public on March 8th, 2000. Due to thepublicity raised by the library design winning the Stirling Prizeit attracted some 500,000 visitors in its first year. The judgesstated that they were impressed with the building's uniqueapproach. The designers had taken the plan footprint of aconventional library design and then elevated it to create a publicspace beneath the building. This library design also moves thequiet reading space away from any street level noise.Same as the University of Tripoli the Peckham design has givengreat thought to energy conservation. Natural light floods into thebuilding through the glass wall. This reduces the need forartificial lighting. The library design radiates a sense of fun andits existence has had a positive and regenerative effect upon thesurrounding environment.Library interior design or architecture requires detailed planningbefore plans are drawn. Interior designers can facilitate theplanning process if they are skilled in communication and knowledgeof the function of a library. The needs of the library patrons mustbe adhered to when planning the design.It is important for designers involved in library interiordesign to be aware of the ambience that the library must convey toits visitors. Many bookstores feature nice comfortable chairs andcoffee service enticing visitors to stay longer. In the past,libraries were very sterile and uninviting for many people,especially the younger crowd. How does the modern library competewith the bookstore? The interior designer must use their knowledgeof construction and design along with their marketing skills todesign a library that can bring in all ages and compete with themodern bookstore/coffee shop.Some areas the designer may focus on are lighting, acoustics andsignage. Library interior design involves designing for differentage groups, people who are there for study or research purposes andpeople who just want to relax with friends and read the paper.Everyone must easily access all products and services offered bythe library. Work areas for staff must be ergonomic and functional.Areas for children should include hands on play areas and quietreading areas for parents and children. The entire facility shouldbe modern and fun. The designer will need to include areas forcomputer use as well.An important aspect of library interior design involves theselection of furniture. The furniture must be durable andcomfortable. If the library has a set budget, the designer willneed to pay close attention to it when selecting furniture. Theinterior designer will need call on all their supplier contacts tosource out the best possible deal for the library in order to stayunder budget. There are also commercial manufacturers that designfurniture specifically for libraries and other commercialbuildings. Interior designers or architects can select standardfurniture and then add a custom feature to it to fit the needs ofthe library design project. Commercial furniture is manufactured towithstand heavy use.Another aspect of library interior design is a theft detectionsystem must be installed in a strategic location.
Office Space Ideas 1.0
Rylai Crestfall
An open floor plan, natural light,movablefurniture, informal meeting rooms and roomier office spacewillallow increase productivity and a better bottom line. Switchingtoa better office design enables employees to work bettertogetherand it maximizes the use of office space. Break free fromcubicledesign, use eco-friendly office designs and identifyexistingproblems to increase communication and maximize officespace.Better office design will not only lead to betteremployeecommunication and output, but it also allows you to make agreatfirst impression on other business associates and clients.Break Free from Cubicle DesignA recent trend is to have everyone working in an open floorplanmodel. This means doing away with window offices for managersandcubicle offices for other employees. Upper management is seatedina large room and shares their space with every other employeeinthe company. This allows for open communication betweenemployeesand their managers. It is just one way to improvecommunication inthe workplace. Remove cubicles and take down thebarriers thatprevent employees from open communication. Base yournew officedesign on functionality, ease of use, purpose of officespace and amobile work style model. Create small hubs whereemployees cangather and discuss ideas.Eco-Friendly Office DesignAnother recent trend is for companies to go green. Savingtheenvironment is an important topic that both large andsmallcompanies must address. Regardless of the size of yourbusiness,you can make a difference by conserving energy, maximizingnaturallight in your office space, using recycled materials andrecycling,creating a healthier workplace environment andpurchasingeco-friendly office equipment. Ecoply is just one exampleof thematerials are used today to make office furniture that issturdyand useful, but also breaks down in landfills more easilythantraditional materials.Identify Existing Problems before Redesigning theOfficeSpaceIt is absolutely necessary to identify the existing problemsthatexist with your office space before you come up with a newofficedesign floor plan. You must first come up with solutionstoincorporate when the office space is redesign. This is yourchanceto iron out all the bugs, get rid of pet peeves with anofficespace and increase productivity.Lack of communication and relying on e-mail too much ourproblemsthat commonly affect workers in a traditionally designedofficespace. This is something that needs be considered before youenterthe redesign and construction phase. Also consider upgradingyourcomputers and technology first. Once you do this you'll noticethatyou need smaller office furniture and can create moreofficespace.What Can a Better Office Design Accomplish?Maybe you are on the fence about whether to even changeyouroffice design. Why mess with perfectly good office spaceandfurniture that could last a few more years? It may be standingonall four legs, but is it really doing its job? Outdatedofficefurniture limits office space and productivity. Newofficefurniture is designed with function and space in mind. Youcanmaximize both by updating old pieces. Consider the benefitsthecompany and the employees would receive from by improvingtheoffice space:o Better moraleo Higher motivationo Increased creativityo Increase productivityo Improved communicationo More revenueo Better teamworko Fewer pet peeve's and irritationso Better comforto More attractive work spaceo Better first impression of the business on businessassociatesand potential clientsAlso consider that the improvements in office design thatyouremployees will benefit from are the same things that willimpressoutsiders. Business associates and visitors will feel thehealthierenvironment and will also benefit from improvedcommunications.
Easter Craft Design Decoration 1.1
Rylai Crestfall
Eggstra Special ActivitiesWith Easter just around the corner, it's time to start thinkingof a variety of preschool Easter crafts to help celebrate theseason. Easter lends itself well to crafts, since one of the mainways it's celebrated contemporarily is by decorating eggs.While these children may be a little too young for preschoolEaster crafts with real Easter eggs, plastic or play dough eggsmake a great, less breakable substitute. For the brave and the notso faint of heart, real eggs can be used however they must behard-boiled first to avoid any broken eggs on the floor.If the idea of bringing eggs and dye into the preschoolclassroom is a little too frightening, try making stained glassEaster eggs from contact paper or waxed paper. Once the egg shapeshave been cut out, decorate the shape with tissue paper orconstruction paper, glitter, or whatever else is in the craftsupply cupboard. If using waxed paper don't forget to use a littleglue to get the tissue paper the stick.Or try this craft which involves eggs made from coffee filters.Cut out a number of egg shapes from coffee filters and give a fewto each child. The children are to decorate their eggs using spraybottles filled with watered-down paint for a nice tie-dyed effect.They can also decorate the eggs with markers and then spray theeggs with water from a spray bottle for a similar designresult.Natural NestFor a more offbeat Easter craft, try this one where the kidsmake bird's nests from real mud, sticks, twigs, and other thingsfound outside. If the weather permits, go on a nature walk tocollect materials for the nest. Once the nests are assembled, theymake a great place to store and display decorated Easter eggs.Here Comes Peter Cottontail...Another great subject for preschool Easter crafts is the Easterbunny, seeing as how the bunny has become the central image for theholiday, at least where children are concerned.In this craft, children create their own bunny masks from paperplates. Give each child one paper plate with eye holes cut out.They can decorate their masks with yarn or string for whiskers, pompoms for teeth, and construction paper or another paper plate cutin half and painted pink for the ears. Once they've finisheddecorating their masks, punch a hole in each side and use anelastic or piece of string to hold the mask in place around thechild's head.Finally, here's a fun craft that helps to teach children aboutthe way plants grow called "Bunny in the Grass". To begin, eachchild will need a small pot or cup filled with potting soil.Sprinkle a small amount of grass seeds into the pot and cover theseeds with a thin layer of soil.For the next part of these presechool Easter crafts, childrenwill create a bunny from a craft stick. They can decorate the bunnywith felt ears, googly eyes, a pom pom note, and yarn whiskers.Place the craft stick in the pot and set the pots near a sunnywindow to allow the grass to grow. In a few weeks, the bunny'sgarden will be green with grass. Give a prize to the child whogrows the most grass, and the tallest blade of grass.One of the most fun and memorable times of the year is Easter.From the time children are small, they help to color beautiful,colorful Easter eggs and create beautiful Easter crafts. Most homesin the United States, traditionally will have colored Easter eggson display on Easter Sunday. Easter crafts and egg coloring are funprojects that the whole family can participate in doing. Childrenreally like the fun involved in coloring eggs and doing otherEaster crafts. Any Easter crafts that display color, will attractthe attention of kids and allow them to be creative as they usetheir imagination.
Bedroom Decor Design 1.1
Rylai Crestfall
Bedroom decorating ideas should replicate asense of peace and tranquility, allure and charm. Bedrooms shouldmirror the personality of the bedroom's occupant, creating a havenfor retreat where the occupier can unwind and de-stress at the endof the day. There are as many bedroom decorating ideas as there arepeople's personalities - and that is only to the good. To somepeople a bedroom that reflects warmth and which creates a sense ofrustic charm is essential when planning their personal haven. Toothers, high-tech is the order of the day. Others - and I includeadults here as well - like to express their humorous side, with abedroom that reflects such a predilection. You may enter a bedroomand be ensconced in a butterfly world or one where flowers abound.Where the warmth of honey is to be expressed, go for the warmerhues and don't be afraid of mixing unlikely colors. As an exampleof bedroom decorating ideas that work, a bedroom was recentlydecorated which had, as its only non-negotiable feature, a bright,cherry-red blind which was a very expensive, made-to-measure blindmanufactured to fit only that window. Rather than discard aperfectly good blind, this bedroom was decorated around thisfeature. A wall directly opposite the window was chosen to be anaccent wall, against which the head of the bed would be placed.This wall was painted a deep, rich fuchsia colour - like a verydark plum. The other three walls now needed to provide the lightand bring out the warmth of the fuchsia. For these three walls alilac-pink was chosen which, in itself, was not classed as a truepastel. It was a colour in its own right, a definite shade of pinkwith a distinct hint of lilac.As far as bedroom decorating ideas go, these two colors shouldhave clashed, but they didn't - because the lilac-pink reflectedsufficient light to liven up the natural light and to pick out thefuchsia pigments in the accent wall. With white paintwork and thewhite fitments of the built-in cupboards, this provided adeliciously warm room which was both light and sunny. When pickingthe carpet it would have been easy to come unstuck but, followingthrough the pink-lilac shades, a salmon-pink carpet was laid andfitted into the bedroom. The effect was dramatic and calming, warmand light - with a feeling of warmth as you enter the room, as ifthe walls were enfolding you.The cherry-red blinds frame the window beautifully and none ofthe other shades or colors is in conflict. The effect is stunning -you walk into the room and find you are catching your breath.Meanwhile, in an adjacent bedroom, the bedroom decorating ideaswere different and the theme was softer and gentler. As lessnatural light entered this room mint green was chosen for all fourwalls, offset by a white ceiling. For the accent wall three longmirrors were purchased which were attached to the wall in thehorizontal plane, just to reflect light in that room. The carpetwas cream with tiny burgundy roses woven into it. Same house,different bedroom, completely different feel as you walk into thisroom: the ethos is calming peace. This room is still a work inprogress, but the blinds will be a matching mint-green and a largelime green rug is intended to finish the room off. You walk in hereand are enfolded in an ambiance of total serenity.Furnishings for any bedroom will again reflect your personaltastes and can range from rustic French armories to the built insimplicity of white melamine. Again, beds come in all shapes andsizes and can be found in anything from the luxury of king size,pocket-spring divan to the simplicity of a futon which doubles upas a settee when not in use. There are now many metal bed frames tochoose from. These range from ultra-modern tubular steel to thetraditional brass bedstead of granny's era.
Interior Decoration Designs 1.1
Rylai Crestfall
What you are about to read is the culminationof information from many different places and resources. I hope youenjoy it.Home interior decorating is a perfect opportunity for you toexpress yourself. Home interior decorating allows you to showcaseyour interests, interests in furniture, art and even differentcultures. Every decorating style is different, with some beingelaborate while others are plain. However, there is a home interiordecorating style to fit your personality as well as yourbudget.Budget is normally at the top of the list when making plans forhome interior decorating. It is easy to look at a picture and wantto recreate it in your space. Sometimes the details in homedecorating pictures are quite expensive which may introduceobstacles for you. There is no need to be disheartened however,there are always alternate ideas to help you achieve your idealspace. Resources such as magazines, books, television programs andInternet websites are very helpful with suggestions and ideas forhome interior decorating. Using these resources you are bound tofind alternatives to any problems you may have with home interiordecorating.If you are an individual who loves color and authentic homeinterior decorating, there are several designs to choose from.Primitive home interior decorating is interesting because itconcentrates on old and handmade items. This is a wonderfulopportunity to display collectables and handed down treasures. Thisstyle suggests using accessories and furniture which appearextremely old, worn, stained or antique. If you are a person wholikes antiques, primitive interior decorating might be right foryou. When choosing a paint color for this design, dark and warmshades are recommended. Deep grey or red brick would work well inthis space.Another home interior decorating design that you may findinteresting is whimsical decorating. This design allows you to gowild with your imagination. Using any and all of your favouritecolors, you space should be decorated thoroughly with variouspatterns and colors. This home interior decorating design is allabout color. The important detail to remember however is, if youchoose bold vibrant colors, stay within that hue of color. If youdecide to use pastel colors, stick with colors in the pastelpalette.If you have difficulty moving from the past into modern homeinterior decorating, traditional design may be for you. This homeinterior decorating style combines the modern look with the elegantlook of the past. Space is important in the traditional design. Tohelp create a spacious atmosphere, neutral colors such as neutral,beige or mushroom is recommended for the walls. To add a punch ofcolor to this traditional design, darker colors such as burgundy,mauve, blues and greens are suggested for the upholstery, fabric,rugs, etc. When choosing accessories for this home interiordecorating design, china and crystal objects will compliment thisstyle. You might also like to add some artwork to your space.Paintings with wood frames go great with this traditionaltheme.These are just three of the many designs for home interiordecorating. There are many and there is one, just for you. Browsingsources about home interior decorating designs will give you abetter idea of their characteristics regarding color, furnishings,flooring and accessories. With your individual tastes and interestsat the forefront, you ought to be able to find a style that worksfor you. Home interior decorating can turn your home into an oasisof pure enjoyment. Accept the challenges, so that you may feel theexhilaration of victory.Interior decorating ideas can prove very useful when combinedwith scientific principles. A small example for this can be seenfrom a study made by Michigan State University Extension, whichfound that among the materials used for flooring, slates retainedthe maximum percentage of heat.
Dog Fashion Design 1.1
Rylai Crestfall
Dog Fashion designers have always given theirbest to customers. They keep presenting their exclusive costumecollection on different occasions. Creation of attractive, vibrantand exclusive dog costumes and fashion accessories needs lots ofcreativity and honest efforts. Dog fashion designers associatedwith popular fashion brands like Juicy Couture, Ed Hardy, andChristian Audigier are doing an excellent job in satisfying fashionand styling needs of pet owners.Juicy Couture CollectionJuicy Couture founded by Pamela Skaist-Levy and GelaNash-Taylor, has been a popular name in young casual wears andfashion accessories. Their wide fashion collection includes apparelfor both men and women ranging from casual wears, sleepwear, tohandbags, shoes, jewelry, fashion accessories, beauty products andfragrances.They have also contributed their unique fashion sense indesigning dog costumes and accessories. Dog hoodies, tees,cardigans, coats, and collars designed by Juicy Couture are ingreat demand. These are among the cutest gift you can gift to them.They are made of excellent quality materials with excellent finishand great looks which can make any dog a point of attraction.Collection from Christian Audigier and Ed HardyExclusive Christian Audigier and Ed Hardy collection for doggiesdoesn't need any introduction. Every fashion enthusiast hassomething to say about the genius fashion designer who has craftedseveral wonderful pieces for global celebrities from Films, TV,Music and Sports world. You can spot several celebrities (likeBritney Spears, Madonna, Shakira, Chris Brown, Paris Hilton, MariahCarey and several others) dressed in a Christian Audigier outfitcomplementing with exclusive accessories designed by him.This iconic fashion designer is also dominating the dog fashionworld with their wide collection of dog fashion products includingdog collars, apparel, beds, carriers and many more. Dog owners loveto shop these fashion products designed by Christian Audigier andEd Hardy.If you are also a proud dog owner and you love your dog likeanything then you can have a look (if you haven't witnessed thebeauty of them yet) over the exclusive fashion products designed bythem. It's very easy to find them on reputed online boutiques.People love flaunting their unique fashion sense in front ofothers. They want people to compliment their selection of costumesand fashion accessories. However, do you know that you can get morecompliments by providing a stylish look to your loving dogs? Itwill also help you in making your unique identity as a diehardfashion lover. People will recognize you as a person with extrasense of style and fashion.How to give stylish look to your dogs? Giving stylish look toyour favorite dogs is not that tough. There are several online dogboutiques, where you can find excellent designs of dog costumes andaccessories by all prominent dog fashion designers. These onlinedog boutiques provide almost everything (regardless of breed) tomake your dog a style icon.You can think of buying special dog costumes, dog collars,apparels or dog carriers from most sought after dog fashioncollection by Christian Audigier. You can also try to give uniquelook to your doggie with help of Linda Higgins dog couturecollection. If you want your dog to illustrate a funky look thencollection of jackets and dresses from Deni Alexander is the bestoption.Designer Dog Costumes for Special Occasions: There is greatdemand of designer dog costumes on special occasions likeChristmas, Halloween, or New Year. Dog boutiques offer exclusivecostumes and special accessories that will make your dog a fashionicon illustrating the best in terms of dog fashion. Even afterfeeling envy with you and your dog, people will admire yourselection of dog costumes and accessories.
Baby Shower Design Ideas 1.1
Rylai Crestfall
A baby shower is one of the mostmemorableevent that will likely happen during the early pregnancyof awoman. Although it has been a tradition to celebrate a babyshowerwithin the pregnancy period, but there are some expectantmoms whowant their baby shower to be held after they gave birth totheirchild. It is both fun and exciting to celebrate suchwonderfulaffair, however, a proper care and attention must be givenwhenpreparing for it.A baby shower need not be too much, but must be planned witharight concept and designs that blend into a well designatedshowertheme.If you will be organizing a shower for a friend, and wouldwantto design it good enough to impress her, you need toconsiderseveral ideas on how to jazz up the party properly andcreatively.First, you need to decide on what type of baby showerwould youlike to have. Depending on the people that are invited, aswell asthe capacity of the budget, the party can either be formal,lessformal, simple or playful. Second, you need to considerthedecorations and ornaments that are available. When designingaparty, of course you will need some decorative pieces thatwillenhance the look of the entire location. Popular showerdecorationsusually include colorful balloons, banners, streamers,diapercakes, table centerpieces, hanging embellishments and thelikes.Last but not the least, you need to consider the theme whichyouthink will be best for the party. To help you decide, think ofthepersonality of the mom-to-be. Is she a sports fan? Is shecrafty?Does she love to cook? Any idea related to her can helpyougenerate a theme that is proper for her shower party.One of the easiest ways to creatively design a shower is tousevarious decorations that all keep the baby as the centerofattention. There are so many shower decorations and creativeideasthat are available to choose from. Go to your nearest partystoreor simply browse the Internet for a wider selection. Bothonlineand local market practically offer anything for showers,includingdifferent shapes and styles of shower decorations - fromconfetti,streamers, balloons to various types of adorable babyitems thatcan also serve as decorations in the party. Determinefirst thegeneral mood of the party your are organizing beforebuyingdecorations. If you are in the middle deciding betweendifferentdecoration options, all you need to do is to think of theoveralltheme that is proper for the mood of the party.Another great idea to design a shower is to use tablewareandcenterpieces that is baby-related. Baby shower favors canalsoserve as table decorations. Actually, anything that is relatedtothe baby that you would like to include in your designs willhelpmake the party festive and memorable both for the mom-to-beandguests. Find some shower ideas online, fromdecorations,invitations, favors to shower games.The arrival, or pending arrival, of a baby is an excitingtime;and like many exciting times, a celebration is in order formanypeople, in many cultures. In the US, it is the baby shower thatisthe first formal celebration. Traditionally, the baby showerhasbeen held in advance of the baby's birth, but these days apostbirth shower is not unusual.If you have, or are about to plan a baby shower for a friend,andhave never done so before, or have but are looking for newideas,then the tips and suggestions in this articles may helpyou.Setting The Date For a Baby Shower.It is best to time the baby shower well into the second halfofthe pregnancy, and the 8th month of pregnancy, or at theearliestthe 7th, are probably the best. However, there is no strictrule,but bear in mind that too early brings with it risks ofproblemswith the pregnancy occurring after the shower, and toolateincreases the risk of a premature baby spoiling the bestlaidplans.
Camping Tent Ideas 1.1
Rylai Crestfall
Dome tents have grown increasingly popular forfamily camping, and you get them in many different sizes. But issuch a tent really the right choice for you? Let's take a look atthe different types of family dome tents, and especially at thestrengths and weaknesses of this camping tent design.Dome tent stylesClassic geodesic domeHalf dome or tunnel tentThe classic design shows a simple dome shape. There are also largerfamily tents that are made up out of several domes. Both are greatfor family camping which involves spending the whole time at oneplace, since they are larger and offer more space. Half dome ortunnel tents, on the other hand, are very good for backpacking. Byreducing the dome size, they cut down on weight and produce asmaller pack size, which makes them more convenient to carry.Main strengths of dome tentsLarge floor space - This gives you a large sleeping area andsufficient space for your luggage.Highly sturdy in extreme weather - Instead of a static frame,stability is reached through all tent components working together,with poles made of flexible materials like carbon fibre. The low,round shape of dome style tents lets them easily shed rain andsnow, and makes them very wind resistant.Lighter than cabin tents of the same size - This is mainly due tothe absence of a heavy tent frame.Easy setup - Dome tents often use shock-corded poles. These easilyunfold to full length, and a color coding shows you where each polemust go.Free-standing - Most family dome tents can be set up on any levelsurface, for example your backyard. However, the rain fly does needstaking. Also, it's generally advised that you do stake your tentdown, just in case strong winds come up.Weaknesses of dome tentsLess usable space - Family dome tents offer less space forcamping furniture than equally sized cabin tents. Large items canonly be set up in the center part.Less freedom to move - Due to the dome shape, head space is often aproblem. Whilst larger tents might allow you to stand fairlystraight in the center (if you are not very tall), the smallersized ones allow you only to sit up and make you crawl ratherinstead of walk. Half dome or tunnel tents might not even allow atall person to sit up straight.These considerations clearly show you what dome style tents aregood for, and when you should rather not pick them. Classic domesare a great choice for camping vacations that are likely to faceheavy weather conditions, especially strong wind, but will find youmost of your time outside. Half dome or tunnel tents are excellentoptions for backpacking or other types of travel-camping. Ingeneral, family dome tents are rather for people who can do withless space and comfort, whilst those travelling with half theirhousehold, or expecting to spend much time inside the tent, shouldrather opt for a cabin tent.Weaknesses of frame tentsLonger setup - Frame tents are not necessarily easy to set up.They often take longer to pitch than dome tents or ridge tents,since the frame is larger and consists of more parts. Also, thelarger size of the tent may require more people for the setup.Higher prices - These tents tend to be more expensive thanequally sized dome tents, but this does not always have to be thecase. The price also depends on the brand and quality. You can getgreat deals on any kind of camping tents when you shop around alittle.Less wind stability - Due to their corner-design, frame tentsare less suitable for extreme weather conditions like heavy winds.If you plan such an excursion, dome tents are the better campingtents.Larger pack size - Since they are larger, frame tents alsoproduce a larger package to transport. This might be a problem ifyou have a small car.Bigger weight - Due to their heavier frame, these camping tentsweigh more than other types. This can cause problems likeoverloading your car.
Bathroom Tile Design Ideas 1.1
Rylai Crestfall
Simple bathroom tile design ideasOne of the most difficult decisions that face you when youareremodeling your bathroom is the design of the ceramic tiles.Notonly do you need to decide on the color and patterns on thetilesbut you also have to consider how much of your bathroomyou'regoing to cover with ceramic. There are so many differentvariationsof all this that it can get pretty overwhelming. I wasrecentlyfaced with this problem with my own small bathroom remodeland I'mgoing to tell you exactly how I solved it.Bathroom ceramic tile coverageCeramic tiles vary considerably in price and it's easy tolimitthe coverage in your bathroom if you think that it's going tobetoo expensive. I shopped around for tiles a lot and found averyreasonably priced line of ceramic tiles that were very similarto alot of very expensive ceramic tiles that I'd seen. Itdefinitelypays to spend time looking for the right tiles at therightprice.Because the ceramic tiles that I'd found were a good price Iwasable to afford to tile all the walls of my small bathroomfromfloor to ceiling which is what I'd set my heart on. I savedalittle by not tiling the wall behind the bathtub that wasn'tgoingto be seen. I'd looked at a lot of bathrooms by then and Iknewthat bathrooms that are tiled 100% look much nicer than thosethataren't.Ceramic tile design for small bathroomsI have a small bathroom and not only is there a lack of spacebutlittle bathrooms can also feel small and cramped if you getthedesign wrong. The trick is to give your bathroom a lightairyfeeling. Plenty of light helps and so does a mirror or two onthewalls. Choosing a light colored ceramic tile was the key toopeningup my small bathroom because it reflects the available lightandgives the impression that the room is larger than it reallyis.Mosaic bathroom tile designMy first ceramic bathroom tile design idea was to use abrightwhite smooth tile throughout. This would have lightened upthe roombut I had the feeling that this would be overdoing it a bitso Ilooked at ways that I could break it up a little while keepingthesame light and airy feel to the bathroom.I eventually found a mosaic tile design that came inseveralpastel colors. The tiles were normal size so they were justas easyto fix to the wall but the surface of the tiles look likesmallrectangles raised a little from the surface to give amosaiclook.I chose 2 colors, white and a light sky blue pattern andusedabout one third blue and two thirds white. The blue tiles weresetat the lower part of the walls and look a little like the sea.Thiswas a very simple but effective design.Bathroom shower tile designYou don't have to stick with the same arrangement ofceramictiles in the shower but it's good to use the same colors andstickto the same theme. I used the blue tiles to form a trianglewiththe peak in the corner of my shower. This has the effect ofdrawingyou into the shower and making it look more inviting.I hope that you enjoyed this article and maybe I've given youafew ideas for your bathroom tile design and remodel.Good bathroom tile design should create a floor surface thatisattractive, water resistant and safe to walk on. Bathroomtiledesigns using ceramic tile, rubber flooring or vinyl andlinoleumfloors are examples of bathroom tile design materialchoices thatshould be available nearly anywhere. These types oftiles are easyto clean, water resistant and safe to walk on. If youare going touse natural stone or terra-cotta ceramic tiles on yourfloors tocreate a more sophisticated effect, make sure you buy thekind witha non-slip finish.As you consider which bathroom tile designs to select, eachtypeof tile will have unique properties that may or may notprovidecharacteristics that are good for your bathroom. Here aredifferentmaterial types for bathroom tile design along withadvantages ordisadvantages of each
Chandelier Design Ideas 1.2
Rylai Crestfall
Crystal chandeliers have an exceptionalandwonderful ability to produce the feeling of elegance and warmthtowherever these pieces hang. And since the lighting ofyourresidence is a fundamental component, it makes sense to use itas away of creating, augmenting and embellishing the ambianceinwhichever manner you decide.Well-arranged lighting will automatically give life and vervetothe reception rooms that you want. You can adjust the lightinglikeingredients in your favorite dish. Subdued light creates arestfulenvironment; different colors set different moods. You canhave funselecting the types of lighting that you feel comfortablewith. Ifyou think you need to encourage certain aspects ofyourindividuality, your personality, see if you can decide howtocoordinate that.Chandeliers Are Timeless Design FixturesYou can use a chandelier in almost any room, since therearecountless styles from which to choose from. For example,theSchonbek crystal chandeliers, or others dating back to the16thcentury, are ageless and enduring. These fixtures havewithstoodthe test of time. Since then, many other styles haveevolved andare equally as impressive. Most modern fixture designsmanage tooffer both a nod to the past while fitting seamlessly intothedecors and designs of present-day.Tips On Buying A ChandelierBuying a crystal chandelier can be an exciting experience,aswell as a valuable investment. Below are some important tipstoenable the shopping process to be more coherent andmucheasier.- Choose a chandelier that can hang at the correct height whenatable will be centered beneath it. Consider both the chandelierandthe room you're lighting: if the chandelier has bare bulbs,forexample, it will need to be hung high enough to avoid glare. Atthesame time, if you have an 8-foot ceiling, you'll want toavoidhanging a chandelier too high, unless you want it to looksawed offand stunted.- Remember to stick with the classic designs. Remember thatacolored chandelier will become dated in another 5-10 years.Matchthe chandelier to the room and the mood you wish to feelratherthan with the times.- Select a lighting fixture that blends with the mood andstyleof the other furnishings in the room such as the wallsconces,furniture, wallpaper, and other accessories. If a large andornatechandelier would stick out in the room, consider puttingsomethingmore muted so that the chandelier can be seen for itsbeauty ratherthan its girth.Top Crystal Chandelier Designs1) Schonbek Chandeliers. Schonbek offers a variety oforiginalchandelier designs, from traditional to minimalist. Theearlycrystal chandeliers, which date back as far as thesixteenthcentury, were ornamented with rock crystal, however incontemporarytimes, such chandeliers have rarely been seen outsidepalaces andmuseums. The new Schonbek collection of rock crystalchandeliers isan historic event.2) Minka Lavery Chandeliers. With over 20 years ofexperience,The Minka Lavery line has grown to become a leader inthedecorative lighting industry with a wide and unique productlinefrom Chandeliers to Table Lamps, Wall Sconces to FloorLamps,Chandeliers and Decorative Accessories.3) Kichler Crystal Chandeliers. Kichler's exclusive lineofChandelettes, or mini chandeliers, offer the glamorous look ofachandelier over your vanity or desk, in your breakfast nook, orasa bed side light.Raffine Collections by Richard SoardChandelier designs of Soard's Raffine Collections are inspiredby"the romance and refinement Old World Europe" especially duringthe19th and 20th centuries when Europe experienced the vintageandtransitional styles. The European vintage style of thechandeliersfrom the Raffine collections is characterized bymultiple coloraccent layers, silver and gold leaf adornments anddeep coloredglass and highlights forming luscious rich patinadesigns.
Easter Craft Design Ideas 1.1
Rylai Crestfall
If there are children in your life, youwillundoubtedly be familiar with crafts of all kinds, WithEasteraround the corner there are many tried and true crafts thatcankeep our children happy for hours.But there is always room to add new crafting ideas inyourrepertoire that may just make you the hit on the street.Here are the perennial favorites that are a "must do" foryourEaster crafting session plus a few that are fun and easy andadd abit of pizzazz to those eggs and cartons creations.Thinking Outside The Egg CartonPringles Can Baskets. Take a small empty Pringles can; coveritwith pastel-colored construction paper. Glue ear-shapes at thetopand feet at the bottom. Add googly eyes and pompoms for a noseandmouth shape. Use pipe cleaners to make the handle.Instead of messy egg painting, hard-boil some eggs and usestickers,glue-on felt or foam pieces for the younger crowd.Empty egg cartons are Easter crafts essentials. The cups can becutout, painted and then add some pipe cleaners and you havecolourfulflowers. Cartons can also be painted and used to displaynewlydecorated Easter eggs.Instead of using new construction paper for weaved Easterbaskets,use strips of recycled magazine pages for a variety ofcolor.Baby chicks in an egg basket. Glue yellow pompons into aneggcarton, orange diamond shaped felt becomes the beak and addgooglyeyes for a fun effect.Go green this Easter by using your own grass instead of usingtheplastic kind. Or shred a newspaper and compost or recycleitlater.Egg coloring tip: Draw on your egg with a crayon or unlitbirthdaycandle. Then dip in dye and the wax patterns willremain.Empty eggshells with a small opening in the top make greatedibleEaster eggs. Layer a variety of candy melt colors for afundesign.Make baby chicks by traced hands cut out of yellowconstructionpaper for the perfect wings.Instead of trying to die eggs with a design, do somethingeasier.Die eggs in single colors and when dry, glue on ribbon,lace,rhinestones and small flowers for a more personalizedlook.Fun At Any AgeKeeping up the tradition of seasonal crafting sessions is agreatway to bring family together. Adding a fresh slant to oldideas canbe a great way to keep family gatherings memorable andfun forall.Got a burning question about the top 10 Easy EasterCrafts?Grandpa Gord and Grandma Gertie put a sensible spin onexpertadvice, with a little humor thrown in. We cover topicsranging frompets to parenting, careers to hobbies, relationships tolifestyle,finances to food, and everything in between. Visit usathttp://www.sensibleguides.com for some simple and straight fromthehip advice from people who've been around the block afewtimes.Try your hand at a quick and colorful Eastercenterpiecedecoration for your table setting. Like most of us, weprobablyhave at least two, maybe three glass vases that couldeasily beturned in to something really beautiful and unique withoutbreakingthe bank.For this Easter craft project you will need thefollowingsupplies:Glass vase; We chose to use a tall clear one, with no designonit.Easter paper grass; We chose bright green, but anycoordinatingEaster color also works.1 large Easter egg; We chose a pink ceramic egg5 medium Easter eggs; We chose artificial eggs in pink, blue&crème in a multi colored spotted finish.3 small Easter eggs; We chose artificial white eggs1 decorative craft bird; We chose one in pink, blue and yellowtocomplement the colors of the eggs.Double sided sticker squareStep 1 - Begin by creating egg shaped forms of the Easterpapergrass in your hand. For this project we made six, but it willvarydepending on the width and height of your vase. Next, takeyourEaster paper grass forms that you have made and drop them in tothevase one at a time. This will build height to your project;atleast one quarter of the vase should now be full.
Dressing Table Design Ideas 1.1
Rylai Crestfall
The history of dressing table issparinglyaristocratic. In the archaic times, the titled andmajestic womenwere fond of the vanity table. Quite often the termsdressing tableand vanity table are used interchangeably. This isthe place wherewomen of any age generally apply her toilette. Thisevergreenfurniture started gaining popularity from nineteeneighties.Nowadays it is a precious home ornament thatdifferentiates youfrom others based on the design color and stylethat you choose foryour bed room.While choosing your vanity, the following things you musttakeinto consideration:Location and availability of space to install your vanity;Heating and moisture resistance capacity of the room;Background color behind the vanity; andDesign of the vanity table.Location and availability of spaceLocation and availability of space is an important matterduringthe time of choosing dressing table. Generally it isinstalled inthe bedroom. But you may also install it in a separatedressingroom where you used to get ready before going out.Availability of space in your bedroom is another importantfactfor selecting dressing table. You can't purchase a larger,charmingand popular vanity if you don't have enough space in yourbedroomor dressing room. Looking before you leap is the bestpractice inthis case. You have to carefully choose among thosevanities thatare not larger in size, yet very charming with goodfabric andgreat wooden or metallic finish. Stool and storagedrawers areorganized well to shape up your room at ease.Heating and moisture resistance capacity of the roomThe heating and moisture resistance capacity of the roomwhereyou will install your dressing table is also important.Longevityof a product depends on the overall climate and atmosphereof theroom apart from the product's own resistance power. If yourbedroomis beside the street side where the room heats up duringsummer,you have to take extra caution for your vanity. Extreme heatmayobstruct the moisture of the vanity and it may also reducethelongevity of the product. Moreover the color may become fadeovertime.Background color behind the vanityBackground color behind the vanity is also important. Boththecolors must match with each other. Nobody wants to changethebackground color behind the vanity for installing the vanity.Ifyou think you are color blind and not so good at colorselectionthen take your spouse or partner or colleague or anyoneelse whoyou think can help you out for choosing best colorcombination forboth your room and vanity.Design of the dressing tableAs far as design is concern you will find different vanitiesofvarious shapes and styles. Every design has uncommon feature.Notall of the designs will match your requirements. You have tofind asuitable vanity that will fulfill your requirements. Once youhaveidentified your requirements you can search for your productinvarious on-line stores. Afterwards find what others aresayingabout the product. Search for relevant blogs where you willfindinsights of the products that may also include pros and cons oftheproduct. On the other hand you may also visit to localfurniturestores. Make a short list of three to five products ofyour choiceand compare those based on their price and features.Thus you willfind your desired dressing table.A dressing stand or table is one of the most importantfurniturein residential houses. This kind of furniture can beutilised formany purposes such as storing clothes, keeping make upitems,keeping dressing accessories like bangles and necklaces.Thesetables also accommodate intimate personal accessories likeundergarments, skin lotions or lubricant gels, especially if itisdesigned for bedroom.These tables are accompanied by classic or vintage mirrors.Thesemirrors play an important role of helping the beautifulladies &handsome men to dress up and go out withconfidence.